101: The Pilot

Jun 13, 2010 18:03

Welcome to the Canon Quotes Comment!fic Meme. First up - The Pilot! If you need help with The Rules, click HERE. Have fun!

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season 1, 101 - pilot

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Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 windscryer August 7 2010, 18:22:04 UTC
And I thought the first part broke me... *cracks, then shatters*

You are far too good at this delicious angsty stuff. I know, this isn't REALLY angsty for you, but it's like... Cotton candy made out of fiberglass.

Sure it LOOKS all sweet and pink and fluffy, but when your swallow it down, it leaves little jagged cuts everywhere that ache inside you for days.

I love how Cas just can't leave it alone (even as I wonder if he regrets not being there to prevent it like Dean hates him for) and how Dean is all conflicted, but semi-tame in the face of people who insist on caring.

(I particularly like how Canon put him in this position of desperately seeking out a family to belong to. I can't help but think that he would have really wanted it even without Sam's poking and that was just the perfect excuse to go after it. He is SUCH a little pack puppy! *glomps*)


*confesses dark!sekrit* I have loved a lot of the girls they've had for Dean. (Not Cassie, but pretty much everyone else.) Lise, though, is probably my favorite. And this little vote of confidence in her just warmed my little heart! *tackles you too*

And now you totally make me want to try this comment!fic for myself even more.

I just need to find a good quote and I'll try my hand at it.


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 tahirire August 7 2010, 18:37:32 UTC
Yay, you got sucked into our meme!!! :D

Sorry about your weekend.

I've like most of Dean's girls, too. I've always liked Lisa, and I liked Jamie a lot as well, and of course I loved Jo, even though she never quite made it there, I think she will always have a special place in the echelon. ♥

But yeah, Lisa has my vote, has ever since s3. :)

And dude - if you keep coming up with phrases like cotton candy made out of fiberglass, you can TOTALLY do this comment fic thing!

We've already had 2 people write their first fic ever over here, it makes me happy to be encouraging new talent. :) :)


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 windscryer August 7 2010, 18:47:27 UTC

I didn't really have plans. Nothing more important than this, anyway.

Oooooh, I ADORED Jaime. If he can't have Lisa and Ben, I'd totally want Jaime! (And Jo was the reason I first watched. I was REALLY hoping for something there. Happily, Show has many other HAWT SEXY SCARY AWESOME good reasons to watch so I stayed on even when the Jo angle fizzled out.)

I was SO happy when they got that last moment before she died, though! *flails*

HAHA 'Cotton candy made out of fiberglass' is probably the most inspired thing I've said in a good long while. But I'll try again just for you. :)


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 tahirire August 7 2010, 18:49:19 UTC
Omg! Have you never read my Dean/Jo!? I love it a lot a lot. Hee.

Warning: Written by me.


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 windscryer August 7 2010, 20:38:23 UTC

*angsts over RL issues*

Dammit, I can't skip this. I WILL BE BACK. *opens in new tab and just barely pulls herself away*


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