CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS // REAL PEOPLE Prompt Post // December 1 - 15

Dec 01, 2014 17:08

This post is for ANY AND ALL REAL PEOPLE PROMPTS. People from other fandoms are allowed as long as the main pairing includes one person from the Supernatural cast. Exceptions made for Jared, Jensen, and/or Misha's wives.

Prompts or fills mentioning real people under the age of 18 are BANNED, they can not be aged up or mentioned in ( Read more... )

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Comments 391

Request: King!Jared/Consort!Jensen, obsesity, mpreg, belly kink, weight gain anonymous December 1 2014, 22:25:02 UTC
Jared is King and Jensen is his Consort. They were married off to each other as teenagers and have grown to love each other very much with Jensen even having birthed over a dozen children for Jared. They're a little older now and Jensen is a lot fatter (400 lbs or more from wealth, luxury, tons of pregnancies and Jared's enjoyment / encouragement have) and Jared is trying to talk Jensen into them trying for another especially since Jensen is heavier now than ever and he wants to see him blow up.

Bonus for breast / lactation kink


Re: Request: King!Jared/Consort!Jensen, obsesity, mpreg, belly kink, weight gain anonymous March 22 2015, 16:38:28 UTC
yes,yes. seconded!


Request: J2, non-AU, divorced, reunion, first time. anonymous December 1 2014, 23:17:51 UTC
Years after the show ended Jared and Jensen meet up at an event of author's choice. They are both divorced. The spark that they'd both been aware of but never acknowledged or acted upon is still there.

They spend the night together. Would prefer bottom!Jensen but its not a must.

Up to nonnie if its a one night stand or the beginning of something more.


FILLED: J2, non-AU, divorced, reunion, first time Finally 1/6 anonymous January 3 2015, 23:54:45 UTC
Kinks: RPS, J2, non-AU, divorced, reunion, first time, bottom!Jensen, schmoop, light angst.

Jared sighs, leaning against the wall, nursing a beer. He hates these industry parties with a passion - always has - but they didn't used to be so bad when he had Jensen to make fun of people and laugh and get drunk with. Five years since the end of Supernatural and he missed Jensen like a missing limb. Despite promising to keep in touch, it'd been probably a good two, maybe three, years since they've talked. Space and time and life just seemed to come between them. Funny how Jared still considers Jensen his best friend though ( ... )


FILLED: J2, non-AU, divorced, reunion, first time Finally 2/6 anonymous January 3 2015, 23:55:32 UTC
“They're good,” Jared smiles, can't help it. He pulls out his phone and shows Jensen the most recent pictures he has of them. “Gettin' big, man. Tom still asks about you every now and then,” he adds quietly. “Anyway,” he waves one hand, forcing a smile again, “how's JJ and Danni ( ... )


FILLED: J2, non-AU, divorced, reunion, first time Finally 3/6 anonymous January 3 2015, 23:56:18 UTC
Jensen follows him inside and immediately flops down onto the couch. He doesn't look around, just settles in like he's been there a million times, like he's always done wherever Jared lived. Jared stops for a second, just taking it in, the sight of Jensen in his living room, back in his life - at least for tonight, longer if he has his way - and it makes something inside him unclench.

Jared hasn't really been himself since Supernatural ended and he knows that. He didn't need Genevieve to tell him that he'd changed, to point out that she felt like she didn't even know him anymore. Jared knows. And he realizes, with sudden, painful clarity, that what was wrong, what was missing, was Jensen ( ... )


Request Misha/ty/Jared threesome role playing anonymous December 1 2014, 23:43:39 UTC
Misha sees how close Ty and Jared are and asks them both to help him run lines for a new show he wants to be cast in . little do Ty and Jared know its all a ploy to get them in bed with him if you want more kinks go for it nothing really bugs me


Girl!Jensen/Jared, Squirting and/or watersports anonymous December 1 2014, 23:58:52 UTC
May I please have a fill containing detailed squirting and/or watersports during sex?

please no angst, humiliation, or having the urine in the mouth/swallowed, but other than that please go crazy :)

The messier and longer the fill, the better! fun sexy times please! Thanks


Request: J2, Jared w/child sweeetserenity December 2 2014, 00:37:12 UTC
Repost from:

*up to filler if mpreg or not*

You've heard the quote "Anyone can be a father, but it takes a man to be a daddy." Well, now, Jared and Jensen have to practice what they've been taught.

If mpreg...Jared finds out he's pregnant at the most inopportune time. He now has to tell Jensen, and he's afraid of how Jensen will react. Will Jensen step up to the plate?

If not mpreg...Jared is given custody of his best friend's infant daughter after she lost her battle with cancer. (She was a single parent, used Jared sperm so that she could have a child before she died.) Jared and Jensen's relationship is still a bit new, so how will Jensen react to the news of Jared having a daughter? (up to filler if Jared ever told Jensen about donating his sperm to his best friend).


FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 1/4 sweeetserenity January 3 2015, 17:35:48 UTC
Kinks: RPS, AU J2, Jared w/child, artificial insemination, Jared/Sandy friendship, explicit sex, oral, schmoop and light angst, character death (not one of the J's ( ... )


FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 2/4 sweeetserenity January 3 2015, 17:36:31 UTC
They've never talked about children or the future or anything like that. Honestly why would they? Two months certainly isn't long enough to have those types of discussions. But Jared has a little girl to think about and he has to have those talks, has to come clean and give Jensen a chance to continue - or stop - what they have with all the facts ( ... )


FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 3/4 sweeetserenity January 3 2015, 17:37:16 UTC
“I am,” Jared nods. He takes a deep breath and looks Jensen straight in the eyes, his heart pounding against his ribcage. Lily makes an unhappy noise and squirms and Jensen's hand twitches toward her before pulling back. “My best friend in the world died eight months ago,” Jared explains, his tone thick with emotion. “Turns out she had cancer and she didn't tell me. Before... before she died, she wanted to have a child. She asked me to be the father and I agreed. I... I donated my sperm and she was artificially inseminated. And then we had Lily. She was a year old when Sandy finally told me that she was sick. She died two months later.”

“Jared,” Jensen breathes. “I'm so sorry.” Jensen's hand comes up and cups his cheek, his thumb wiping away a tear and it's only then that Jared realizes that he's crying. He hasn't cried since Sandy died.

“Sandy... She was incredible and I loved her, love her. But never in that way. She was my best friend. And she gave me this wonderful gift. I just... I couldn't continue with you, couldn't keep ( ... )


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