CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS // REAL PEOPLE Prompt Post // December 1 - 15

Dec 01, 2014 17:08

This post is for ANY AND ALL REAL PEOPLE PROMPTS. People from other fandoms are allowed as long as the main pairing includes one person from the Supernatural cast. Exceptions made for Jared, Jensen, and/or Misha's wives.

Prompts or fills mentioning real people under the age of 18 are BANNED, they can not be aged up or mentioned in ( Read more... )

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FILLED: J2, non-AU, divorced, reunion, first time Finally 3/6 anonymous January 3 2015, 23:56:18 UTC
Jensen follows him inside and immediately flops down onto the couch. He doesn't look around, just settles in like he's been there a million times, like he's always done wherever Jared lived. Jared stops for a second, just taking it in, the sight of Jensen in his living room, back in his life - at least for tonight, longer if he has his way - and it makes something inside him unclench.

Jared hasn't really been himself since Supernatural ended and he knows that. He didn't need Genevieve to tell him that he'd changed, to point out that she felt like she didn't even know him anymore. Jared knows. And he realizes, with sudden, painful clarity, that what was wrong, what was missing, was Jensen.

Jensen looks back at him over his shoulder, one eyebrow quirked. Jared shakes himself and moves into the room, flashing Jensen a smile. “You want a beer or anything?”

“Nah, man. 'm good.” Jensen kicks his feet up on the table and spreads his arms along the back of the couch, looking for all the world like he belongs there. Jared's throat aches with emotion and he has to actually bite his tongue to keep from saying anything, to keep from begging Jensen to stay with him, to never leave him again. “C'mere,” Jensen jerks his head to the side, indicating the spot on the couch next to him.

Jared sits down, barely resisting the urge to curl up against Jensen's side, under his arm. “So, what's up for you now?” Jensen asks, turning his head just enough to look at Jared.

“I... I don't know,” Jared admits, picking at the hem of his jeans, unable to look at Jensen for some reason. The truth is, Jared's sort of just done. He's been in a few movies and been on a few shows since Supernatural wrapped but nothing has ever been as good, not even close. “Honestly? I think I'm kinda done,” Jared hears himself admit. He hasn't said that to anyone yet, can barely admit it to himself. Jensen has just always had this way about him; Jared can't not tell him whatever is going on in his head, his heart. In fact, the fact that he was in love with Jensen - is still in love with Jensen - has been the only secret between them. And that wasn't even a well-kept one.

There was always a spark between them, always something more, but they never acted on it. There were always other people to consider, their careers, the show, the fact that they weren't big enough stars to come out and be able to get away with it. Whatever if was, there was always something that kept them from trying, from seeing if they could make a relationship work as easily as their friendship did. Jared knows it would. And now he kind of feels like there really isn't anything to hold them - or at least to hold him - back.

“Wow,” Jensen breathes, drops his legs off the table and turns, pulling one leg up onto the couch so he can look at Jared fully. “That's kinda huge, man. Any reason why?”

“Many actually,” Jared half-chuckles but it's not really a humorous sound.

“Wanna talk about it?” Jensen asks softly.

“I just,” Jared sighs, rubs one hand down over his face. “Honestly, I haven't been happy since Supernatural, man. I guess it just... ruined me for anything else, ya know?”

“I do,” Jensen agrees softly, surprising Jared. At the look on Jared's face Jensen rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “Hey, there's a reason I've only done a few things and why I've started directing full time.” He stops, his intense gaze making Jared want to look away and never want to at the same time. “It meant a lot to me too, Jay,” Jensen whispers. “Nothin' would ever compare.” He licks his lips, his eyes dropping down to Jared's when he unconsciously mirrors the gesture. “No one would ever compare,” he adds, almost too low for Jared to hear.

Jared swallows thickly, unable to look away as Jensen slowly moves forward, his eyes flicking between Jared's eyes and his lips. “Jensen,” he whispers, his eyes closing at the last second when Jensen's lips brush across his.


FILLED: J2, non-AU, divorced, reunion, first time Finally 4/6 anonymous January 3 2015, 23:56:59 UTC
Jared has wanted this, thought about it, dreamed about it, fantasized about it, for fifteen long years. Now that it's happening, he almost can't even believe it.

Jensen's hand ends up cupping his jaw, his other hand on Jared's hip and the kiss skips right from a soft, tentative brush to heated and raw, almost desperate. Jensen moans and pushes closer, practically crawling into Jared's lap, their tongues swirling together, a perfect give and take. Jared's chest is on fire, his heart pounding and he can't really breathe but the last thing he wants to do is to stop. Unfortunately, Jensen pulls away, his chest heaving, his lips kiss-bruised and swollen, his freckled cheeks flushed pink. Jared has just a moment to think I did that before Jensen is kissing him again, his hand in Jared's hair now, thick fingers curled into a fist.

“Fifteen fuckin' years,” Jensen mutters against his lips, nipping at the bottom one then pushes his tongue inside again. Although Jared had a feeling Jensen felt the same the confirmation is nice, knowing that he's not alone - wasn't alone back then either - makes him feel much better.

Jared whines softly when Jensen pulls away again, cheeks heating when Jensen chuckles, soft and rumbly and deep - fuck but Jared loves that sound. To his relief though, Jensen doesn't pull away completely, instead moving down Jared's jaw, kissing and licking and nipping. Jared moans, tilts his head back, his fingers digging into Jensen's biceps.

“Bedroom?” Jensen asks softly, his warm, moist breath against Jared's ear making him shiver.

Jared nods and slips his hand into Jensen's when he stands up and reaches for him, lets Jensen pull him up. Jensen raises an eyebrow and wraps his arms around Jared's waist when he doesn't move, a slight smirk pulling up his kiss-swollen lips. “Never been here,” Jensen points out softly. “Gotta lead the way, Jare.”

Jared blinks and finally gets his shit together, leaning down to kiss Jensen again as he walks him backward, down the hall to his bedroom. They stop just outside the door, Jared pushing Jensen against the wall, both hands framing his face, kissing him for all he's worth, pouring fifteen years of emotion - love and want and need, frustration and hurt and anger, and so much more - into the slide of their lips and tongues.

Jensen is staring up at him when Jared pulls away, his eyes dark and heavy-lidded, his lips parted softly. “Want'chu,” Jensen murmurs.

“God yeah,” Jared moans unable to stop himself from rocking forward slightly, his hard cock pressing against Jensen's through way too many layers of clothing.

“Want'chu to fuck me, Jay.”

Jared blinks, more than a little thrown. He has no problem with that, hell he's dying to, but when he'd actually let himself think about this from time to time in the past, it was always Jensen doing the fucking. Oh well, he's sure they'll get to that sooner or later.

Jared doesn't reply, just pulls Jensen away from the wall and practically pushes him inside his bedroom, both of them tumbling onto the bed in a pile of limbs. Jensen chuckles, his eyes crinkling, and it hits Jared all over again how much he missed Jensen and how he almost can't believe that they're finally here.

Jared leans down, aiming for another kiss, unable to stop now that he's started, but Jensen puts one hand against his chest, keeping him back. “Naked,” Jensen says simply.

Jared is sure as shit not going to argue with that.

They focus on undressing themselves, ripping off shirts and pants and underwear - Jared's pretty sure if they tried to undress each other, they wouldn't get very far - and even though it only takes a minute or two, to Jared it feels like a small eternity. He's seen Jensen in various stages of dress - and undress - over the years but he's never seen him completely naked.

Jared's mouth goes dry, his heart pounding painfully. He's not sure where to look, his gaze moving over Jensen from head to foot, unable to stop at just one place, to pick out a favorite spot. Jensen's still in good shape, lean muscle and slightly pale, freckled skin, broad chest and shoulders and a lean waist, those adorably bowed legs.


FILLED: J2, non-AU, divorced, reunion, first time Finally 5/6 anonymous January 3 2015, 23:57:33 UTC
Jared feels himself blushing again when he sees Jensen's cock, hard and leaking and curving up toward his belly just slightly. The thought that he did that, that that's for him, is surreal.

Jensen licks his lips, smirking cockily, when Jared's gaze finally makes it back to his face. “Shuddup,” Jared mutters, his cheeks heating.

Jensen huffs out a chuckle and reaches for Jared's wrist, tugging him down. He ends up between Jensen's legs, their chests and groins pressed together. “You're still fuckin' adorable,” Jensen murmurs, leaning up to press a kiss to the side of Jared's lips, another to his blood-warm cheek.

“Am not,” Jared argues.

“Are too,” Jensen counters, his hands sliding up Jared's biceps, over his shoulders. “Still sexy as fuck, too,” Jensen adds, all traces of humor gone.

They lean in at the same time, lips smashing together. Jared can't remember the last time - if ever - he's gotten this hard, this worked up, from just a little kissing and making out.

“C'mon,” Jensen murmurs into the kiss. “Do it, Jay. Want'chu.”

Jared flails one arm out - thankful as fuck for his long arms right now - without breaking the kiss and pulls open the drawer on the bedside table, fumbling around blindly until he feels the lube and condoms he keeps in there - even though he hasn't been with anyone since his divorce. He slips over to the side slightly, still kissing, as he pops open the lube and slicks his fingers, reaching down between Jensen's legs. He has the brief thought of asking Jensen if he's ever done this before - Jared knows that Jensen experimented with guys when he was younger, just like Jared did, but they never went into details about how far either of them have went. But honestly, Jared doesn't really want to know.

Jared takes his time, working slowly up to three fingers, randomly hitting Jensen's prostate. They kiss the whole time, short and sweet when Jensen tenses up slightly, long and wet and thorough when Jensen moans and pushes down against Jared's fingers.

By the time Jared's up to three fingers, Jensen is pushing back every time, muttering “C'mon, baby. Do it. Come on, Jay” over and over and Jared is hard enough to pound nails. His hands tremble when he pulls away and rolls on the condom and for a moment he feels like a fumbling virgin and he's pretty damn sure he can't actually do this. But then Jensen grabs the back of his neck, pulling him down, their foreheads pressed together and Jared feels his nerves and everything else settle.

Jensen is hot and tight and they both groan when Jared pushes forward, just the head of his cock breaching Jensen's rim. Jensen inhales deeply and closes his eyes, their noses nuzzling together. “Do it,” Jensen whispers. Jared closes his eyes as well and keeps pushing, slowly but not stopping until he's buried to the hilt. “Fuck,” Jensen exhales, his arms wrapping around Jared's shoulders. “Fuckin' huge, Jay.”

After a few moments, Jared slowly starts to move, picking up a steady, even rhythm. He doesn't want this to ever end, wants to stay right here, just like this, for the rest of his life, surrounded by all things Jensen but he knows that's not going to happen. He can already feel the inevitable end coming - pun totally intended - and he tries as hard as he can to make it good for Jensen too.

Jensen wraps his legs around Jared's waist and pushes back against each thrust, moaning and writhing, his back arching, his fingers clawing at Jared's back or digging into his shoulders. He picks up the pace, going harder and deeper and faster when Jensen half-begs, half-demands. He sits up and gets Jensen's legs over his shoulders, damn-near bending Jensen in half, thrusting hard enough that the headboard bangs against the wall.


FILLED: J2, non-AU, divorced, reunion, first time Finally 6/6 anonymous January 3 2015, 23:58:23 UTC
Sweat is pouring off of him, Jensen too, and Jared thinks he could happily die, right then and there, looking down at Jensen, seeing the need and want in his eyes, seeing what he's pretty sure is love, and knowing that he's finally - finally - getting what he's wanted for so Goddamn long.

Jensen reaches between their stomachs and curls his fingers around his own cock, smearing the pre-come down the thick shaft, stroking himself counter to Jared's thrusts. Jared's heart is pounding and he can't hardly breathe and he's literally like two seconds from coming when Jensen moans, his head pressing back against the pillow, his back arching slightly.

“Fuck,” he moans again. “Gonna... Jay. Baby, gonna come...”

Jared watches, mesmerized, as Jensen does. His cock twitches and jerks before erupting over his own fist and stomach, his whole body tensing, his inner muscles fluttering and clenching around Jared's aching cock. His lips fall open slightly and his eyes snap closed, his neck arching, cheeks and chest flushed pink. He's so Goddamn beautiful that it almost hurts to look at him and Jared's own release hits him out of the blue, smacking into him with the force of a tidal wave. He moans Jensen's name, over and over again, pushing as deep inside as he can, cock twitching almost painfully inside the condom.

They're both still trembling when Jensen's legs and arms flop down onto the bed and Jensen practically melts into the mattress. Jared feels clumsy and inexperienced as he reaches down between them and pulls out, holding onto the condom as he pulls free. Jensen groans unhappily and Jared brushes a kiss to the side of his lips, mumbling a soft apology. Jensen waves him off with a flop of his hand and grins tiredly, curling up against Jared's side after he ditches the condom and collapses back onto the bed himself.

They end up in a tangle of limbs and sweat, kissing lazily. Jared's mostly asleep, warm and sated, stupidly happy and in love.

“Come to Vancouver with me,” Jensen murmurs against Jared's collarbone.

That gets his attention.

He pulls away enough to look at Jensen, kind of surprised to find Jensen staring back at him steadily, his eyes open and clear, raw emotion that Jensen so rarely shows evident in those emerald depths. “What?” Jared asks stupidly, even though he damn-well heard Jensen the first time.

“Come with me,” Jensen repeats. He cuddles closer, legs tangling together even more, Jensen's hand warm and heavy on Jared's bare hip. He's still sweaty and his body is still overly sensitive and Jensen is just looking at him. “You said it yourself, you have nothin' goin' on, you're thinkin' 'bout hangin' it up anyway,” he pauses, licks his lips, fingers brushing over Jared's hipbone, “I just... We just found each other again, finally took this chance. And I don't... I don't wanna lose you again, Jare. I love you. I always have.”

Jared wants to tell him that he doesn't have to convince him, that he's willing to follow Jensen to Vancouver or Texas or the ends of the Earth. But what ends up coming out is a rather squeaky, “You love me?”

Jensen chuckles softly and reaches up, carding his fingers through Jared's sweat-damp hair. “Yeah,” Jensen whispers. “I'm kinda stupidly, crazily in love with you.” He presses a kiss to Jared's lips then adds, “Sorry it took so long.”

Jared grins, can feels his dimples digging in deep, and shakes his head. “No, that's... I took forever too,” he blurts out. “And I... I'm kinda stupidly, crazily in love with you too.”

“So you'll come with me?” Jensen asks hopefully. “See if we can make this work?”

“I don't need to see if it'll work,” Jared replies softly. “I already know it will.” He wraps his arms tighter around Jensen, pressing their bodies together as close as humanly possible. “Told you years ago, you're stuck with me, Ackles,” Jared adds, barely above a whisper. “Whether you like it or not.”

“Think I'll get used to it,” Jensen teases, nuzzling their noses together.

“Okay then,” Jared murmurs. “Let's go back home.”


Re: FILLED: J2, non-AU, divorced, reunion, first time Finally 6/6 anonymous January 4 2015, 00:10:45 UTC
You filled my prompt!!!! And wonderfully so!!

I love this!! You had that reunion vibe going, like it really had been a long time since they'd been together and then that 'spark' when Jensen showed was perfect!

And I gotta tell you that I totally prefer Jared's POV so that was a plus right from the start.

And I am SO GLAD you left us with the implication of more. It would have been sad to just have a one night stand and go their separate ways.

Loved it!! Awesome job!! Thanks so much for the fill!!!


Re: FILLED: J2, non-AU, divorced, reunion, first time Finally 6/6 emmatheslayer January 5 2015, 06:44:37 UTC
This was well done


TAGGED nonnie_sock January 17 2015, 14:43:18 UTC
Tagged now, sorry for the delay.


Re: FILLED: J2, non-AU, divorced, reunion, first time Finally 6/6 anonymous February 11 2015, 10:46:21 UTC
Oh gods this is wonderfully sweet, I could feel the angst during the start but I'm so glad that Jared and Jensen finally took the risk to be together again.


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