CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS // REAL PEOPLE Prompt Post // December 1 - 15

Dec 01, 2014 17:08

This post is for ANY AND ALL REAL PEOPLE PROMPTS. People from other fandoms are allowed as long as the main pairing includes one person from the Supernatural cast. Exceptions made for Jared, Jensen, and/or Misha's wives.

Prompts or fills mentioning real people under the age of 18 are BANNED, they can not be aged up or mentioned in ( Read more... )

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Request: J2, Jared w/child sweeetserenity December 2 2014, 00:37:12 UTC
Repost from:

*up to filler if mpreg or not*

You've heard the quote "Anyone can be a father, but it takes a man to be a daddy." Well, now, Jared and Jensen have to practice what they've been taught.

If mpreg...Jared finds out he's pregnant at the most inopportune time. He now has to tell Jensen, and he's afraid of how Jensen will react. Will Jensen step up to the plate?

If not mpreg...Jared is given custody of his best friend's infant daughter after she lost her battle with cancer. (She was a single parent, used Jared sperm so that she could have a child before she died.) Jared and Jensen's relationship is still a bit new, so how will Jensen react to the news of Jared having a daughter? (up to filler if Jared ever told Jensen about donating his sperm to his best friend).


FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 1/4 sweeetserenity January 3 2015, 17:35:48 UTC
Kinks: RPS, AU J2, Jared w/child, artificial insemination, Jared/Sandy friendship, explicit sex, oral, schmoop and light angst, character death (not one of the J's ( ... )


FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 2/4 sweeetserenity January 3 2015, 17:36:31 UTC
They've never talked about children or the future or anything like that. Honestly why would they? Two months certainly isn't long enough to have those types of discussions. But Jared has a little girl to think about and he has to have those talks, has to come clean and give Jensen a chance to continue - or stop - what they have with all the facts ( ... )


FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 3/4 sweeetserenity January 3 2015, 17:37:16 UTC
“I am,” Jared nods. He takes a deep breath and looks Jensen straight in the eyes, his heart pounding against his ribcage. Lily makes an unhappy noise and squirms and Jensen's hand twitches toward her before pulling back. “My best friend in the world died eight months ago,” Jared explains, his tone thick with emotion. “Turns out she had cancer and she didn't tell me. Before... before she died, she wanted to have a child. She asked me to be the father and I agreed. I... I donated my sperm and she was artificially inseminated. And then we had Lily. She was a year old when Sandy finally told me that she was sick. She died two months later.”

“Jared,” Jensen breathes. “I'm so sorry.” Jensen's hand comes up and cups his cheek, his thumb wiping away a tear and it's only then that Jared realizes that he's crying. He hasn't cried since Sandy died.

“Sandy... She was incredible and I loved her, love her. But never in that way. She was my best friend. And she gave me this wonderful gift. I just... I couldn't continue with you, couldn't keep ( ... )


FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 4a/4 sweeetserenity January 3 2015, 17:38:10 UTC
With the secret of Jared's daughter between them - and the fact that Jared never felt comfortable leaving her alone for long, even with Gen - they haven't done more than kiss. Now that the truth is out and Jensen still wants to be with him and they're in Jared's house with Lily safe and sound in her room, Jared wants to remedy that situation ( ... )


FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 4b/4 sweeetserenity January 3 2015, 17:38:56 UTC
But Jensen doesn't pull away, swallows everything that Jared has to give and moans around his pulsing length like it is the best thing he's ever tasted. The very tip of Jensen's finger slips inside Jared's hole and he can feel himself contract around it, the sensation managing to draw his orgasm out a few additional blissful moments. Jensen pulls away and crawls up the mattress and collapses against Jared's side, leaning in and kissing him breathless, the taste of Jared's come still thick on his tongue ( ... )


Re: FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 4b/4 sweeetserenity January 6 2015, 02:08:15 UTC
AWWW! That was awesome! Thank you so much for fulfilling my prompt! :D


TAGGED nonnie_sock January 17 2015, 14:49:45 UTC
Apologies for the delay


Re: FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 4b/4 equally_dour January 18 2015, 19:20:53 UTC
lovely, lovely


Re: Request: J2, Jared w/child szarabasjka January 29 2015, 05:34:47 UTC
I have a different fill for this I just lost the prompt.


Re: Request: J2, Jared w/child sweeetserenity January 29 2015, 23:24:22 UTC
I'd love to read it!!


Re: Request: J2, Jared w/child szarabasjka January 29 2015, 23:31:05 UTC
I'l post part of it tonight, but I need to know if you'd be okay with a little twist on the prompt? like no real biological relation?


Re: Request: J2, Jared w/child sweeetserenity January 30 2015, 03:42:08 UTC
That's fine with me! It's already off to a great start!


FILL temperance: J2, Jared w/child (1/?) szarabasjka January 30 2015, 00:55:39 UTC
It took an unexpected turn, but I hope you like it ( ... )


FILL temperance: J2, Jared w/child (2/?) szarabasjka January 30 2015, 00:58:01 UTC
“I just… there’s so much I’d like to say, and Heath, Heath is always here, always taking care of her for everything.” And sighing with his eyes closed and a stupid sappy smile on his face, “he’s so fucking sweet, just like I always imagined you’d be when we get the baby.” Jensen laughed it off; Jared had told him his entire life that he’d love to have babies with Jensen. - With your eyes and that mouth, I’d have supermodel babies with great smart brains- and Jensen smiled fondly to his loved boyfriend when a siren went off ( ... )


FILL temperance: J2, Jared w/child (3/?) szarabasjka January 30 2015, 01:03:42 UTC
That night Jensen dreamed with Jared nursing a baby, a healthy little girl, Jensen got close and Jared smiled at him, he showed him the baby ( ... )


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