CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS // REAL PEOPLE Prompt Post // December 1 - 15

Dec 01, 2014 17:08

This post is for ANY AND ALL REAL PEOPLE PROMPTS. People from other fandoms are allowed as long as the main pairing includes one person from the Supernatural cast. Exceptions made for Jared, Jensen, and/or Misha's wives.

Prompts or fills mentioning real people under the age of 18 are BANNED, they can not be aged up or mentioned in ( Read more... )

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FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 1/4 anonymous January 3 2015, 17:35:48 UTC
Kinks: RPS, AU J2, Jared w/child, artificial insemination, Jared/Sandy friendship, explicit sex, oral, schmoop and light angst, character death (not one of the J's)

When Sandy had come to Jared and told him that she wanted a baby - and wanted him to be the father - he didn't hesitate to agree. She was his best friend, had been since kindergarten, and he couldn't think of a person he'd rather have a child with. She'd had a string of terrible relationships - and so had he - and they were both in their mid-twenties without a hint of a real, lasting relationship on the horizon. So he donated his sperm and they went to the doctor and inseminated Sandy and within a few weeks found out it was successful.

Jared remembers thinking that it was fate, a sign that they were right and that everything would work out.

Little did he know in two short years his life would be turned upside down in every possible way.

Sandy had cancer.

She didn't tell Jared when she asked to have a baby. Didn't even tell him after she got pregnant or through the pregnancy or even after Lily was born. In fact, she didn't tell him until Lily was a year old and she was already dying. She'd signed all the parental rights over to Jared for their little girl and begged him to tell their daughter about her, about how much her momma loved her and wanted her.

She died two months later.

Jared spent the first few months lost and confused and so angry. He was mad at Sandy for not telling him but mostly he was mad at her for leaving him alone. But then he looked at Lily, a miniature version of his best friend with his eyes and dimples and he couldn't be mad anymore. After that, he just missed her, was heartbroken that his precious baby girl would never really know her momma, wouldn't know just how amazing and special she was, how much he loved her.

He met Jensen six months after Sandy died.

At first, he resisted, reluctant to try to date, let alone try a relationship. He and Sandy were never more than friends - he never could love her the way their parents wanted, even the way he sometimes wanted. He knew he was gay the first time she kissed him at the age of twelve and nothing happened, despite how beautiful she was. But even though their relationship was strictly platonic, Jared still felt guilty, almost like he was betraying her and her memory at the thought of being with someone, even someone as amazing and wonderful and beautiful as Jensen.

But Jensen was persistent and wore him down.

Jared reluctantly agreed to meet for coffee, finally giving in to Jensen's charm.

One coffee date led to another then dinner and movies and just hanging out and before Jared realized it, two months had passed and he'd seen Jensen in some way almost every day. Without even knowing he'd done it, Jared went and got himself a boyfriend while hiding the biggest part of his life from the other man.

Jensen is kind of stupidly perfect and Jared doesn't really understand why he is so interested in him of all people when Jensen could obviously have anyone. Jared isn't anything special. He never went to college, still manages the coffee shop his parents own and most importantly, he's a big fat liar.

But even after only two months, Jared can't imagine his life without Jensen in it. The older man swept into his life and shook it up - like only one other person ever had - and even though he thinks it might be too soon to feel this way, Jared knows that he loves Jensen, can easily see spending the rest of his life with him.

And Lily.


FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 2/4 anonymous January 3 2015, 17:36:31 UTC
They've never talked about children or the future or anything like that. Honestly why would they? Two months certainly isn't long enough to have those types of discussions. But Jared has a little girl to think about and he has to have those talks, has to come clean and give Jensen a chance to continue - or stop - what they have with all the facts.

Despite knowing all this, the reality of it scares the shit out of Jared.

He's already in too deep, knows that if Jensen walks away he'll be devastated. But he knows he can't put it off for much longer either. He owes it to Jensen - and himself and Lily - to be honest.

Inhaling deeply, Jared picks up his phone and calls Jensen, one eye on Lily where she's playing on the floor at his feet.

“Hey,” Jensen murmurs and Jared can hear the smile curling up his lips. “Wasn't expecting to hear from you 'til later. What's up?”

“I... uh, I was wonderin' if instead of going out tonight we could stay in?” Jared asks, proud that his voice is only shaking slightly. He's never invited Jensen to his place, knowing he'd never be able to hide the evidence of Lily. And usually when they go out, Genevieve, Sandy's cousin and Jared's other best friend, watches Lily there for him.

“Yeah sure,” Jensen answers easily. “I could order in somethin' and we'll hang out on the couch...”

“No, that's... I kinda meant... here,” Jared mutters. “I can make dinner...”

“You wanna... Really?” Jensen asks softly.

“Uh, yeah,” Jared breathes even though he really, really doesn't.

“Okay, yeah. Sounds great. I'll be by around six?”

Jared agrees and they say good-bye and hang up. Jared immediately dials Gen as soon as his fingers stop shaking enough.

“'m gonna tell Jensen tonight,” Jared blurts out as soon as she says hello.

“Really?” Gen asks incredulously.

“Yeah,” Jared sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I can't keep lying...”

“Well, you're technically not lying,” Gen points out softly.

“A lie by omission is still a lie,” Jared huffs. “I... I care about him, Gen. And if he's gonna freak about the fact that I have a kid, I'd rather find out now than later.”

“Oh, sweetie,” she sighs. “I'm sure it'll be okay...”

“I hope.”

“I'll be here, either way, you know that.”

Jared's eyes sting as he whispers a teary good-bye. He misses Sandy more than ever before right now. Gen's a close second but she'll never really replace Sandy. She wouldn't even try.

Jared picks Lily up and heads into the kitchen, hoping to distract himself by starting on dinner. He's always loved to cook but hasn't been doing it lately, too busy being a single father, but it also reminds him too much of Sandy, of how they'd pile into the kitchen and cook together, laughing and talking about anything and everything.

Jensen shows up at six on the nose and Jared squeezes his eyes closed for a second when the bell rings, hugging Lily to his chest. His little girl coos up at him, his own eyes blinking at him from a miniature version of Sandy's face.

“We'll be okay, baby girl.” he whispers, pressing a kiss to her dark hair. “No matter what.”

He keeps her on his hip as he answers the door. If he wasn't freaking the fuck out he'd laugh at the wide-eyed look Jensen gives them both.

“Uh, hey,” Jensen mutters uncertainly. “You babysittin'?”

“I... Please, come in,” Jared whispers.

Jensen follows him into the living room and Jared sits down next to him, Lily in his lap. “Jensen, I... I'd like you to meet my daughter, Lily.”

“Your daughter?” Jared nods, chewing on his bottom lip. “I don't... You... I don't get it. I thought you were gay?”


FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 3/4 anonymous January 3 2015, 17:37:16 UTC
“I am,” Jared nods. He takes a deep breath and looks Jensen straight in the eyes, his heart pounding against his ribcage. Lily makes an unhappy noise and squirms and Jensen's hand twitches toward her before pulling back. “My best friend in the world died eight months ago,” Jared explains, his tone thick with emotion. “Turns out she had cancer and she didn't tell me. Before... before she died, she wanted to have a child. She asked me to be the father and I agreed. I... I donated my sperm and she was artificially inseminated. And then we had Lily. She was a year old when Sandy finally told me that she was sick. She died two months later.”

“Jared,” Jensen breathes. “I'm so sorry.” Jensen's hand comes up and cups his cheek, his thumb wiping away a tear and it's only then that Jared realizes that he's crying. He hasn't cried since Sandy died.

“Sandy... She was incredible and I loved her, love her. But never in that way. She was my best friend. And she gave me this wonderful gift. I just... I couldn't continue with you, couldn't keep getting closer to you, without you knowing the whole truth.”

Jensen nods and licks his lips, his attention fully on Lily. “Can I...” he half-asks, reaching out one hand and barely brushing the back of her head.

“Of course,” Jared whispers thickly, handing his daughter over to his boyfriend. His throat aches and more tears fall as he watches Jensen cuddle her against his broad chest. Lily coos happily and reaches up, grabbing Jensen's chin. Jensen chuckles and it sounds a little wet and Jared wishes fiercely that Sandy could be here to see this.

“She's beautiful, Jay,” Jensen whispers, glancing up at Jared.

“She looks like her momma,” Jared whispers back, smiling sadly.

Jensen traces his finger over one of Lily's dimples, one that matches Jared's own, and shakes his head. “Nah, I see plenty'a you in her too.”

“So are you... I don't mean to be like this, to spring this on you, but I have to know, for all our sakes...”

Jensen looks up again and smiles, leaning over carefully to press a kiss to Jared's lips. “I'm okay with this,” Jensen says softly. “And I understand you being cautious, Jared. It shows that you're a good father.”

Jared swallows thickly again and nods, reaching out, one hand ghosting over the top of Lily's head. “I try,” he whispers. “She's the best part'a me and San, ya know?”

Jensen nods and tucks Lily closer to his chest then moves carefully to wrap his other arm around Jared, pulling him against his side. Jared sighs and snuggles close, burying his face in the curve of Jensen's neck. “I know we haven't been together long...” Jared starts softly, nuzzling under Jensen's jaw.

“But it already feels...” Jensen picks up when Jared trails off, “like so much more, huh?”

Jared chuckles softly and nods. “I thought I was crazy feelin' this way so soon.”

“Nah,” Jensen shrugs one shoulder. “When you know, you just know.” He turns his head and presses a kiss to Jared's temple. “I wanna be with you, Jared. Both of you. I don't know what the future will bring but I want whatever it is to be with you, and this sweet little girl.”

Jared pulls his head back enough to look up at Jensen, shocked by the conviction in not only his voice but his eyes. “I want that too,” he whispers hoarsely.

They spend a long time snuggled together on the couch in comfortable silence then Jensen helps him feed and give Lily her bath and put her to bed. They have a late dinner themselves, warming the pasta that Jared made, sitting close together on the couch, sharing a bottle of wine. Once the food is gone and the plates are in the dishwasher and the bottle is empty, Jared's curled up against Jensen's side again, both Jensen's arms wrapped tight around him.

“Can you stay?” Jared asks softly.

“I can,” Jensen nods, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips.


FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 4a/4 anonymous January 3 2015, 17:38:10 UTC
With the secret of Jared's daughter between them - and the fact that Jared never felt comfortable leaving her alone for long, even with Gen - they haven't done more than kiss. Now that the truth is out and Jensen still wants to be with him and they're in Jared's house with Lily safe and sound in her room, Jared wants to remedy that situation.

Despite wanting this, more than he realized until this very moment, Jared is nervous. But Jensen is amazing and pulls him close, kissing him slow and sweet. “Whatever you're ready for, Jay,” he murmurs.

Jared reluctantly untangles himself from Jensen's embrace and stands, holding one hand out to Jensen. He's extremely proud of the fact that he's not shaking. At least on the outside. Inside he feels like he's going to tremble apart.

He leads Jensen down the hallway to his bedroom, stopping briefly to peak in on Lily. She's sound asleep, the bear that Sandy bought her before she died cuddled close, one chubby arm holding on tight. Jared turns to Jensen, his heart warming at the soft smile curling Jensen's lips.

Once in Jared's bedroom, Jensen pulls Jared back into his arms. Jared dips down and then they're kissing again. Despite the attraction and need the kiss is slow and gentle, more like they've been doing this for years than merely two months.

They strip each other slowly, exploring unfamiliar flesh, their lips meeting every few moments in increasingly heated kisses. Jensen gently pushes Jared down on the mattress and settles down beside him, his lips sliding down over Jared's jaw, down his neck. Jared moans softly, arching into the slow, sensual tease of Jensen's lips and tongue. Jensen kisses across his shoulder then to his collarbone, down his chest, stopping to lick and suck and nip at his nipples, not stopping until they're pulled into tight peaks and Jared is gasping softly, one hand buried in the short hair at the back of Jensen's head.

Jensen glances up at him through his long, thick lashes and slides down the mid-line of Jared's chest, teasing his tongue into Jared's belly button before moving down, licking and biting at first one hipbone then the other. Jared's hard, leaking, his cock throbbing with the need for some kind of friction. He whines softly when Jensen totally bypasses his cock though and presses a series of biting kisses to the inside of his thighs before moving up, nuzzling his nose against the heavy swell of Jared's balls. Jared mewls, his legs parting further without direct consent from his brain.

Jensen hums softly and mouths wetly at Jared's balls, sucking at his sac, his tongue lapping at the sensitive skin of his perineum. Jared's back arches when Jensen licks a thick, wet stripe up the underside of his cock, swirling his tongue around the head, chasing after the bead of pre-come oozing from the tiny slit. Jared closes his eyes, his head nearly thrashing against the pillow when Jensen slips his lips over the tip of his cock, taking him in as far as he can, head bumping the back of his throat.

Jared forces his eyes open - didn't even realize he'd closed them - and looks down the long length of his own body, wanting to see Jensen between his legs, to see his own cock stretching those plump, perfect lips wide. Jensen's looking up at him, green eyes dark, and Jared moans when he sees that Jensen is thrusting down against the mattress, surprised that the act of sucking Jared off turns him on that much.

Jensen brings one hand up and cups his balls, rolling and gently tugging and Jared presses his head back against the pillow again, his whole body trembling. One finger slides down, over the thin skin behind his sac and presses just barely against his rim and Jared cries out, pushing urgently at Jensen's shoulder, his orgasm sneaking up on him completely out of the blue.


FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 4b/4 anonymous January 3 2015, 17:38:56 UTC
But Jensen doesn't pull away, swallows everything that Jared has to give and moans around his pulsing length like it is the best thing he's ever tasted. The very tip of Jensen's finger slips inside Jared's hole and he can feel himself contract around it, the sensation managing to draw his orgasm out a few additional blissful moments. Jensen pulls away and crawls up the mattress and collapses against Jared's side, leaning in and kissing him breathless, the taste of Jared's come still thick on his tongue.

Jared's still trembling with aftershocks but he can feel Jensen against his thigh, hard and hot and leaking, and he reaches down, wanting to return the favor. But Jensen shakes his head, kissing him again, and starts to thrust against Jared's thigh. After a few shaky thrusts Jensen stills, groaning against Jared's lips as the warm, sticky mess of his release spills over Jared's leg.

They curl up together, arms and legs wrapped around each other, Jared's head resting on Jensen's shoulder and fall asleep. A few hours later when Lily wakes up needing to be changed, Jensen smiles sleepily and presses a kiss to Jared's forehead and pushes him back down onto the bed before getting up to go see to her.

Six months later Jensen moves in with Jared and Lily and a year after that he formally adopts her - after marrying Jared that is. Gen agrees to be a surrogate for them and two years after they said I do they give Lily a little sister.

Jared still misses Sandy everyday but he thinks - knows - that she is smiling down on them, that she's his guardian angel, that she brought Jensen into his life and helped him find love and a family.


Re: FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 4b/4 sweeetserenity January 6 2015, 02:08:15 UTC
AWWW! That was awesome! Thank you so much for fulfilling my prompt! :D


TAGGED nonnie_sock January 17 2015, 14:49:45 UTC
Apologies for the delay


Re: FILLED: J2, Jared w/child It Takes a Man 4b/4 equally_dour January 18 2015, 19:20:53 UTC
lovely, lovely


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