A spn_littlebro Discussion Meme: The Hurt So Far....

Apr 30, 2013 10:00

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cherry916 April 30 2013, 15:03:34 UTC
Name: Cherry or Charity
When did you start watching Supernatural? I started watching Supernatural when the pilot was mid in air, specifically the bridge scene and I feel in love ever since.
What drew you to love hurt!Sam? Honestly, I'm not sure. But I can name the specific episode which was Skin. after that I seemed to be LOOKING forward to any and all hurt!Sam episode. It was so vivid in my mind I had dreams about it (lets note I was 12 at this time) I thought I was a weirdo, I even wrote some of my first fanfiction about it in my journals I now treasure despite my horrible writing. Once we got a computer I found the website: limp-sam which opened my door way to others who are just like me and I found out, hey I'm not so weird after all. Now I embrace it.
Favorite hurt!Sam episode(s)? Some of my favorites include: Hunted, Skin, Home, Simon Said Plucky's Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie, Born Again Identity, Hello Cruel World, Bad Day At Black Rock, After School Special etc. There is A LOT more but these are the ones off the top of my ( ... )


ash48 April 30 2013, 16:20:16 UTC
hey I'm not so weird after all. Now I embrace it.

Hee...me too! The limp sam site was, in many ways, the inspiration for spn_littlebro. They had categories for limp!Sam stories - but it wasn't updated much.

And bring on he h/c! :D


cherry916 April 30 2013, 16:29:25 UTC
They did, I'm still trying to remember all the authors so I can track down their stories. I have very vivid memories of each story that was on there.


ash48 April 30 2013, 17:01:54 UTC
I remember a few too. I haven't seen them much around at all. We'll have to see if we can trick them down sometime...


captain_plant April 30 2013, 15:53:43 UTC
Name: Jessica
When did you start watching Supernatural? It was during my spring break during the first week of April of last year (2012) because I had seen an increase of it on my dash on Tumblr last year and decided to try it out. I had been aware of the show for years, but I just never drew up enough interest to watch it. Now I regret that a lot.
What drew you to love hurt!Sam? Well, like all of my favorite characters that I develop, I like watching them in pain for pretty much no grand, intricate reason. And the fact that I admitted a long time ago to myself that I have very intense sadistic tendencies and often, they play out in characters that I like, which in turn, becomes a product of those behaviors.
Favorite hurt!Sam episode(s)? I'll go with top five: Pac Man Fever, Skin, Jump The Shark, Meet the New Boss, and The Born-Again Identity.
Favorite type of hurt? Physical. Usually anything that involves Sam with physical injuries and Dean patching him up, all with their usual banter.
Favorite episode thus far in the season? Tie ( ... )


cherry916 April 30 2013, 16:12:54 UTC
I just want the angel plot line to be finished--honestly, it feels like that plot has been stretched thin, like the writers aren't sure what to do without some form of angel interference.

Yes, or if they must continue with it at least give them something interesting. Nothing can top the angel conflict during Season 4 and 5. Now they've just been dragging along since then, getting their asses handed to them by other beings. I thought angels were powerful? And continuing on with them as is, is only ruining the image of their characters. If that makes sense. If we MUST keep the angel plotline let's re-work it and come up with something interesting


ash48 April 30 2013, 16:26:00 UTC
-Oh, god, I cant do it, there's too many for me to choose--my brain is going to explode trying to choose one

Hee - that's how I felt! SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM!

anything that involves Sam with physical injuries and Dean patching him up

*happy sigh*


ash48 April 30 2013, 15:54:47 UTC
Name: Ash! (or Sarah)
When did you start watching Supernatural? From the start!
What drew you to love hurt!Sam? I think it was when Sam was being choked by a power cord in Home. For me the hurt means the most when Dean is involved some how. Dean's desperate attempt to save Sam was just as wonderful as seeing our poor boy fight for his life.
Favorite hurt!Sam episode(s)? Oooh...favourite eh? Hmm..probably Jump the Shark. Though Born Again Identity has to be up there also. Then there's always When the Levee Breaks....
Favorite type of hurt? In fic it would have to be kidnapping (not enough kidnapping fic in around!), but in the show it's when Sam is suffering and Dean is there to help - like in Point of No Return or most recently Pac Man Fever.
Favorite episode thus far in the season? As Time Goes By. It introduced The Men of Letters, the bat cave, Henry. Also loved Goodbye Stranger, Everybody Hates Hitler and Pac Man Fever. Loved Sam killing the hell hound n Trial and Error...<33
What would you like to see happen in the finale? ( ... )


cherry916 April 30 2013, 16:14:11 UTC
For me the hurt means the most when Dean is involved some how.

Definitely. That's why episodes like Jump the Shark (forgot that one on mine!) are so great because we see some H/C from Dean. I hate the ones where Sam is all beat up then we phase to the next day and he's fine! While the fanfic we get in between is amazing I really want to see some H/C


ash48 April 30 2013, 16:28:47 UTC
Ooh, I forgot to mention that moment in Hello Cruel World (awesome ep!) when they are both in the back of the ambulance and Sam is seizing....<333


cherry916 April 30 2013, 16:30:56 UTC
That became a quick favorite of mine, so much hurt!Sam. In fact that whole Hallucifer thing has been one of my favorite storylines. Mark and Jared really knocked it out of the park. That's why I'm so upset that it all just went away just like that.


maaldas April 30 2013, 15:56:42 UTC
Name: maaldas
When did you start watching Supernatural? Ever since the pilot aired in my country. That's about 2006.
What drew you to love hurt!Sam? Actually I love both of them hurt but Sam more so. When Sam's hurt Dean's awesome.
Favorite hurt!Sam episode(s)? A lot but some of them are: When the levee breaks, Hello cruel world, After school specials, Bad day at black rock, The bender, etc.
Favorite type of hurt? Physical injuries and emotional ones. Especially when there's h/c afterwards.
Favorite episode thus far in the season? Season 8 is Trial and Error and Pac Man Fever and Everybody hates Hitler.
What would you like to see happen in the finale? Sam hurts so badly and Dean is taking care of him/saving him. Or Dean goes to sacrifice himself to save Sam but Sam held on to him and they do it together or die together.
Overall thoughts on Season 9? What would you like to see incorporated? Just the return of lots and lots of bro-ments. Purgatory is an underdeveloped storyline so, it'll be cool to expand on that. Where's Chuck and ( ... )


cherry916 April 30 2013, 16:18:42 UTC
Ah I forgot when the levee breaks on mine lol lots of hurt!Sam


maaldas April 30 2013, 16:39:30 UTC
It's the first that pop into my head because Sam is all crying and miserable. :-) And when he begs hallucination!Dean not to call him freak. Oh Sammy!


ash48 April 30 2013, 16:24:18 UTC
I love both of them hurt but Sam more so

Hee..me too. I kinda love it when Dean's hurt also. He's wonderfully wooby and it usually means Sam gets to be an awesome little bro. If we were talking face Dean hurt I'd have to go Devil's Trap - with YED!john...


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cherry916 April 30 2013, 17:04:40 UTC
Dean holding Sam in his lap. A girl can dream.

Make that two girls now. *dreamy sigh*


scruffysammy April 30 2013, 17:25:54 UTC
make that three now.


leah_elisabeth April 30 2013, 20:24:39 UTC


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