A spn_littlebro Discussion Meme: The Hurt So Far....

Apr 30, 2013 10:00

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ash48 April 30 2013, 15:54:47 UTC
Name: Ash! (or Sarah)
When did you start watching Supernatural? From the start!
What drew you to love hurt!Sam? I think it was when Sam was being choked by a power cord in Home. For me the hurt means the most when Dean is involved some how. Dean's desperate attempt to save Sam was just as wonderful as seeing our poor boy fight for his life.
Favorite hurt!Sam episode(s)? Oooh...favourite eh? Hmm..probably Jump the Shark. Though Born Again Identity has to be up there also. Then there's always When the Levee Breaks....
Favorite type of hurt? In fic it would have to be kidnapping (not enough kidnapping fic in around!), but in the show it's when Sam is suffering and Dean is there to help - like in Point of No Return or most recently Pac Man Fever.
Favorite episode thus far in the season? As Time Goes By. It introduced The Men of Letters, the bat cave, Henry. Also loved Goodbye Stranger, Everybody Hates Hitler and Pac Man Fever. Loved Sam killing the hell hound n Trial and Error...<33
What would you like to see happen in the finale? Oh boy. I haven't given it a lot of thought because I don't want to be disappointed. All I really want is for it to be a strong, well written episode. I'd like to see the boys working together..or, if they aren't, they aren't for a GOOD reason. I would like to see them do something interesting with what's happening to Sam. I want Dean to be very much a part of the final trial. On the hurt!Sam front - I don't ask for much... Dean holding Sam and brushing his hair off his face (you know, the fanfic stuff..)...:)
Overall thoughts on Season 9? What would you like to see incorporated? Hmmm....lots of good, solid MoTW stories with the boys being awesome together. Some great new OCs. Adam considered at some point. SHERIFF MILLS!! Some Cas and Sam bonding time. Dean continuing to become one with himself and being kickass awesome. Sam doing something that reconciles the "not looking" story line (or not. If it's forgotten forever I'm happy with that...;D).


cherry916 April 30 2013, 16:14:11 UTC
For me the hurt means the most when Dean is involved some how.

Definitely. That's why episodes like Jump the Shark (forgot that one on mine!) are so great because we see some H/C from Dean. I hate the ones where Sam is all beat up then we phase to the next day and he's fine! While the fanfic we get in between is amazing I really want to see some H/C


ash48 April 30 2013, 16:28:47 UTC
Ooh, I forgot to mention that moment in Hello Cruel World (awesome ep!) when they are both in the back of the ambulance and Sam is seizing....<333


cherry916 April 30 2013, 16:30:56 UTC
That became a quick favorite of mine, so much hurt!Sam. In fact that whole Hallucifer thing has been one of my favorite storylines. Mark and Jared really knocked it out of the park. That's why I'm so upset that it all just went away just like that.


ash48 April 30 2013, 16:40:17 UTC
Yeah - the resolution of all that was such a shame.

And I was seriously hoping we'd see Mark again. They were amazing together!


leah_elisabeth April 30 2013, 20:23:09 UTC
Definitely we need some Sam and Cas. I thought we made some breakthroughs in 6 and 7. What with Sam being able to reach Cas when he was leviathaned and both understanding what it is like to let the world down and feel that responsibility to save it. Also, there was their shared psychosis. I always thought that should have given them their own profound bond, but that all got brushed under the rug...


callisto24 May 22 2013, 17:54:10 UTC
Oh yes, Sam and Cas bonding. That would be amazing. :)))


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