A spn_littlebro Discussion Meme: The Hurt So Far....

Apr 30, 2013 10:00

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cherry916 April 30 2013, 15:03:34 UTC
Name: Cherry or Charity
When did you start watching Supernatural? I started watching Supernatural when the pilot was mid in air, specifically the bridge scene and I feel in love ever since.
What drew you to love hurt!Sam? Honestly, I'm not sure. But I can name the specific episode which was Skin. after that I seemed to be LOOKING forward to any and all hurt!Sam episode. It was so vivid in my mind I had dreams about it (lets note I was 12 at this time) I thought I was a weirdo, I even wrote some of my first fanfiction about it in my journals I now treasure despite my horrible writing. Once we got a computer I found the website: limp-sam which opened my door way to others who are just like me and I found out, hey I'm not so weird after all. Now I embrace it.
Favorite hurt!Sam episode(s)? Some of my favorites include: Hunted, Skin, Home, Simon Said Plucky's Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie, Born Again Identity, Hello Cruel World, Bad Day At Black Rock, After School Special etc. There is A LOT more but these are the ones off the top of my ( ... )


ash48 April 30 2013, 16:20:16 UTC
hey I'm not so weird after all. Now I embrace it.

Hee...me too! The limp sam site was, in many ways, the inspiration for spn_littlebro. They had categories for limp!Sam stories - but it wasn't updated much.

And bring on he h/c! :D


cherry916 April 30 2013, 16:29:25 UTC
They did, I'm still trying to remember all the authors so I can track down their stories. I have very vivid memories of each story that was on there.


ash48 April 30 2013, 17:01:54 UTC
I remember a few too. I haven't seen them much around at all. We'll have to see if we can trick them down sometime...


cherry916 April 30 2013, 17:03:48 UTC
I generally remember Faye and Geminigrl and on their accounts on ff.net is a lot of other users I remmber as well. I branch out from the top lol


leah_elisabeth April 30 2013, 20:18:58 UTC
I love Faye, but she is on to other fandoms now. :( I will never forget "Suffer the Children and the Geeks."


cherry916 April 30 2013, 20:21:09 UTC
Yeah, but I won't forget her earlier works.


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