A spn_littlebro Discussion Meme: The Hurt So Far....

Apr 30, 2013 10:00

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cherry916 April 30 2013, 15:03:34 UTC
Name: Cherry or Charity
When did you start watching Supernatural? I started watching Supernatural when the pilot was mid in air, specifically the bridge scene and I feel in love ever since.
What drew you to love hurt!Sam? Honestly, I'm not sure. But I can name the specific episode which was Skin. after that I seemed to be LOOKING forward to any and all hurt!Sam episode. It was so vivid in my mind I had dreams about it (lets note I was 12 at this time) I thought I was a weirdo, I even wrote some of my first fanfiction about it in my journals I now treasure despite my horrible writing. Once we got a computer I found the website: limp-sam which opened my door way to others who are just like me and I found out, hey I'm not so weird after all. Now I embrace it.
Favorite hurt!Sam episode(s)? Some of my favorites include: Hunted, Skin, Home, Simon Said Plucky's Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie, Born Again Identity, Hello Cruel World, Bad Day At Black Rock, After School Special etc. There is A LOT more but these are the ones off the top of my head.
Favorite type of hurt? I like vivid injuries like wounds/bleeding. Something tangible ya know? I mean Sam's been shot but we've never got the ramifications of it,the H/C, worried babbling Dean as he sews Sam up. That is something I REALLY want to see is the H/C afterward
Favorite episode thus far in the season? Tie between As Time Goes By and Pac-Man Fever
What would you like to see happen in the finale? I would like to see Sam and Dean working on the same page, continuing on with this new phase in their relationship where they are may caring, brotherly, concerned with one another. Let's not beat around the bush the first half of Season 8 was horrible, even some episode after were crappy. After these last what? 3? Maybe? It feels like the SAM AND DEAN we all know. Not those pompous, cold-hearted pricks early in the season, Really, let whatever else happen to the storyline I'm just really concerned with Sam and Dean remaining in character.
Overall thoughts on Season 9? What would you like to see incorporated? I'm trying to be happy since this is a discussion meme so, let's see maybe a little less angels? I've been over the angels being the 'dick with wings' scenario a very long time ago. I'm very happy Castiel has his own storyline and is experiencing development AND has been interacting with Sam, so since Misha is a regular let's keep that rolling because I hate it when Castiel is simply there for no reason or is used as deus ex machina. More hugs, more Dean expressing himself. I hope to see Charlie, Garth and Kevin again. And can we please not have Crowley as the big bad AGAIN? Jeez the boys can kill the devil but Crowley remains a thorn in their side? I'm looking for a real big bad again, something that's going to take a lot of their power to defeat.

Favorite hurt!Sam gif?


ash48 April 30 2013, 16:20:16 UTC
hey I'm not so weird after all. Now I embrace it.

Hee...me too! The limp sam site was, in many ways, the inspiration for spn_littlebro. They had categories for limp!Sam stories - but it wasn't updated much.

And bring on he h/c! :D


cherry916 April 30 2013, 16:29:25 UTC
They did, I'm still trying to remember all the authors so I can track down their stories. I have very vivid memories of each story that was on there.


ash48 April 30 2013, 17:01:54 UTC
I remember a few too. I haven't seen them much around at all. We'll have to see if we can trick them down sometime...


cherry916 April 30 2013, 17:03:48 UTC
I generally remember Faye and Geminigrl and on their accounts on ff.net is a lot of other users I remmber as well. I branch out from the top lol


leah_elisabeth April 30 2013, 20:18:58 UTC
I love Faye, but she is on to other fandoms now. :( I will never forget "Suffer the Children and the Geeks."


cherry916 April 30 2013, 20:21:09 UTC
Yeah, but I won't forget her earlier works.


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