DEW Drabble - Jack's Choice

Oct 17, 2020 12:14

Title: Jack's Choice
Characters: Jack, Dean, Sam and Cas
Word Count:100
Rating: pg
Summary: Jack’s troubled and Dean can help.
Prompt: the DEW challenge on spn_bigpretzel - Theme: voting: Character: any
A/N: Thanks to Davy Perez for the perfect nickname for our Jack!

“What’s up with Baby Yoda?” Dean asked. Jack was pacing up and down the map room, muttering.

“I’m not sure,” Cas frowned.

“He’s been watching America’s Got Talent, again,” Sam sighed.

“Crap,” Dean groaned. ”I got this.”

“Thanks.” Cas smiled.

“Hey, Jack, you okay?” Dean approached him.

“I can’t decode…how can the merits of a child singing, a dancing dog, and acrobats be compared?”

“It’s a mystery.” Dean agreed, “but we talked about this before. Just choose your favourite act.”

“But I have three!” Jack wailed.

“Then vote for all of them.”

“I can do that?”


“Wow, thanks, Dean!”

drabble, rating: pg, castiel, author:jj1564, dean, sam, jack, fic: gen

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