DEW Drabble - Jack's Choice

Oct 17, 2020 12:14

Title: Jack's Choice
Characters: Jack, Dean, Sam and Cas
Word Count:100
Rating: pg
Summary: Jack’s troubled and Dean can help.
Prompt: the DEW challenge on spn_bigpretzel - Theme: voting: Character: any
A/N: Thanks to Davy Perez for the perfect nickname for our Jack!

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drabble, rating: pg, castiel, author:jj1564, dean, sam, jack, fic: gen

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Comments 7

sandy79 October 17 2020, 11:32:58 UTC
Naw!! So cute - both the nickname and your drabble!


jj1564 October 18 2020, 17:38:40 UTC
Thanks so much, I loved Dean calling him Baby Yoda!


sandy79 October 18 2020, 20:44:18 UTC
I think I love it so much because in one of the Discord servers I'm on, we call the members younger than 18 "Baby Yodas" as well


dizzojay October 18 2020, 19:25:30 UTC
Jack makes a good point. I'd go for the dancing dog - every time! :D


jj1564 October 20 2020, 15:10:09 UTC
I think if he really had to choose one, Jack would, too!


cuddyclothes October 20 2020, 03:35:30 UTC
I love Jack, and you wrote him perfectly!


jj1564 October 20 2020, 15:10:38 UTC
Thanks so much, that's so good to know!


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