Hallowe'en Reverse Micro Bang - Art Claiming Post

Oct 17, 2020 17:00

Thanks to everyone who submitted their wonderful art for our reverse micro bang.  Now it's time for you intrepid writers to do your bit and you've got     fabulous pieces to prod your muse!

The artworks are listed below.  Please make your choice as a comment to this post, and once your choice has been confirmed you can go off and start writing!

Note, this is not an exchange, so anyone can pick an art prompt and take part as a writer.

Good luck!!!!

Spell Gone Wrong by kingstoken claimed by candygramme

Baby's Had a Hell of a Day by dizzojay claimed by antrazi

Dean's Never Been Allergic to his Brother before by jj1564 claimed by theymp

Angels and demons by amberdreams claimed by ellerkay

Something lurks in the dark of night by jdl71 claimed by dizzojay

Halloween hunting with a side of love spell by emmatheslayer claimed by jj1564

mod post, halloween micro bang

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