DEW Drabble - A Crucial Vote

Oct 17, 2020 11:09

Title: A Crucial Vote
Characters: Dean and Sam
Word Count:100
Rating: pg
Summary: Dean knows how important his vote is.
Prompt: the DEW challenge on spn_bigpretzel - Theme: voting: Character: any
A/N: written before this week's episode aired - I must be psychic!

“Hey Dean, you look pleased with yourself.” Sam greeted, as Dean entered the kitchen.

“Yeah, just voted. It’s gonna be a close-run thing, but I think my guy will win.” Dean replied, “D’you wanna beer?”

“Thanks. Wow, you voted already? That’s great, it’s so important this year. I don’t think any election has ever been this critical, as our democracy is under threat, and the more people that vote, the better…”

“Um, Sam, I agree with all that, but before you carry on, I just voted for Dr Sexy in the People’s Choice Awards.”

“Sometimes I can’t believe we’re related.”

sam, drabble, fic: gen, dew, rating: pg, dean

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