Variations on a theme

Mar 05, 2012 22:47

The theme for this year so far appears to be a tossup between inconveniently sick child (not that it's ever convenient, but the Q's timing the two times he has been sick has been spectacularly bad so far) and family deaths and related drama. Blerg.

Not that I should complain about the sick kid, since this is really only the second time he's been really sick. We've been incredibly lucky on that note, especially since he's in full time group daycare. But after a astonishingly mild fall in terms of sickness in his room, the last two weeks have seen 8 ear infections, pinkeye and 10 high fevers, and he seems to be the last of the group to succumb to the pool of disease. Poor bub. We'll see what he won in the germ lottery when we take him to the doctor tomorrow. I'm hoping for ear infection over the high fever virus (some of the kids in his room have ended up in the ER with 106 temps).

FYI, I'll be crossposting from dreamwidth going forward. So far I plan to leave comments open on both lj and dw, not that I've been remotely good about answering them...

people_the-q, family

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