spiderichman Nov 29, 2006 10:34
language, celebrities, home, phrases, hulluvalot, mom, fisher stevens, dogs, dad, facebook, family, short circuit, weekend, words, work, barry levinson, thanksgiving, florida, brother, myspace, rain, trip, deniahilistic, holidays
spiderichman Nov 16, 2006 10:44
hand carved, language, do-monkeys, emo-monkeys, slofa, creativity, phrases, masterbate, complaints, mom, emeff, pictures, dad, wewah, chakode, words, flobdalflick, irgit, work, oh my stars and garters, valen, waving a pancake, cynical, flint, party, rain, monkeys, dubbelewed, clickory, holidays
spiderichman Sep 18, 2006 10:09
rosh hashana, beerfest, people i can do without, complaints, rockstars, dave and brooke, weekend, dirty water, work, ipod, taxi cabs, arrested development, drinking, softball, rain, spashed, c-m u, credit card, grumpy, q1043