(no subject)

Aug 19, 2006 15:01

I spent $229 at the photography store. I have 200 5x7 Varigade IV resin-coated "Pearl" sheets of photo paper, 25 8x10s of the same, 15 rolls of T-Max 400, a lens-cleaning cloth, negative holders and a binder, and a BRAND NEW TRIPOD.

I want to take a money-bath in FILM.


*waves rebel flag and attacks the C-41 process* *though wishes she could figure out how to work her pinhole camera*

SERIOUSLY. I leave it open for 45 seconds, straight black. I leave it open for 30 seconds, an image, but oops, the paper must've slipped, because it's in a tiny circle an inch in diameter in one corner of the print. I leave it open for 30 seconds and make sure to position it properly, and it DOESN'T DEVELOP.

What the shit, Alhazen? What the shit, Della Porta? Since neither of you can truly be credited with invention since apparently BOTH of you did it 600 years apart, I'm blaming you both. But honestly - what the shit, Wolf Howard? We have film now. We have f-stops and zoom lenses and non-paper negatives! We don't have to poke holes in soup cans anymore.

Though that one thing with the kitchen was admittedly pretty sweet.


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