Something of a canon dump here. I've been taking notes as I replay ToA. It's SLOW GOING partly because I don't get much time to play, and partly because when I do play it takes forever. So far I've only done four of these. However they are long and have a lot of random little facts about charactets, the world, plots and events. This is mostly for my own reference because ToA is VERY LONG and it's hard to remember exactly how various things go, and it's useful to be able to revisit scenes and remember what a character did or thought at the time.
When I first started taking these notes I tended to summarize information and extrapolate from it. As I continued on I spent more time simply scripting events and then commenting on it. This way I can revisit the original writing for character voice as well as further debate as to what this means, or what that indicated etc.
Notes are in chronological order. Taken as I play the game. It contains spoilers for the ENTIRE GAME right from the beginning, as it has a lot of my thoughts on characters are different from the start than at the end, as well as various foreshadowing. So! Don't read them if you haven't beat the game.
That said, I thought they might be helpful for people who have played the game and are thinking about apping, or people in my canon, and not to mention an easy reference for myself.
Notes #1 - Start of Game to return to Baticul Notes #2 - Return to Baticul to waking up in Yulia City Notes #3 - Waking in Yulia City to arrival in Sherian Notes #4 - Arrival in Sheridan to escape from BaticulNotes #5 - Inista Marsh through Core Vibration Plot Final Battle Scripts - Contains the Dialog for all the different final battle scenes, through the end of the game.