I don't appreciate those who talk about me behind my back,even if you're my "Shadow." [semi-closed]

Feb 06, 2010 10:54

Characters: Vincent, Vincent’s Shadow-and also open to anyone who’s replied in Shadow!Vincent’s entry. (Vincent has no idea how to defeat a Shadow because he didn’t ask about that, so he could probably use some advice before he decides to do things his own way.)
Location: Rooftop of the Communal.
Rating: PG-13, due to the nature of shadows and the precariousness of Vincent’s Shadow. Building remains intact and undestroyed, thank you very much.
Time: After . Nighttime. Still foggy.
Description: Confronting a shadow never goes well.

The fog was irritating, but he hardly registered it as he slipped up to the rooftop. Other matters were far more pressing.

Metal gleamed dully as he curled his hand into a fist.


Spilling his secrets just like that… Vincent heaved a sigh. Well, it could have been worse had all his demons been present.

He narrowed his eyes as he sensed someone else on the roof. Heard the scraping of metal against concrete.

What were the chances that he had correctly guessed that his Shadow would be here?

One hundred percent, considering how he himself liked high, empty places. He stepped forward slowly, able to see the hazy form if he strained his eyes. “For someone who is supposed to be my shadow,” he enunciated that last word, “You are very talkative.”

[ ooc: FAIL. Late log is late. And a warning that if this isn’t finished by Wednesday, it’ll probably be left hanging until next month because I’m taking a long hiatus very soon. D: Also I’m still differentiating between Normal!Vince and Shadow!Vince with different journals. What else? Um, I took some liberties with the Communal. Nothing destroyed, though. ]

aerith gainsborough, vincent valentine

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