the first one to arrive [closed]

Feb 06, 2010 21:18

Characters: Spain, Romano, and their Shadows.
Location: Outside of the Death City Heights building where Romano has run off.
Rating: In the PG13-R range for Romano's mouth and potential violence.
Time: July 18, during the Shadowpalooza.
Description: Quicklog, wherein Spain's searching for Romano turns up more than he wanted.


[Granted, yelling himself hoarse isn't going to get him anywhere, but damnit Spain is worried about Romano. Nevermind the fact he's been outside since running out after their, ah, 'talk,' but he's seen all the posts that have popped up on the network over the span of the day.

Maybe he should've found Germany and Italy before he went out on his own, if things were really as bad as they seemed to be with those posts... But it's a little late for that. He'll deal with the consequences after he's found where the elder Italian has stowed himself away. Hopefully in a place where those 'Shadows' won't--

He cups his hands at his mouth.]


antonio fernandez carriedo (spain)

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