a moment of stillness [closed; incomplete]

Feb 05, 2010 22:56

Characters: Souji Seta, Nanako Dojima and Ryotaro Dojima
Location: in the fog Around the city
Rating: G?
Time: backdated to the 17th
Description: Retrieving lost children, family reunions

[ Under normal circumstances (if that fog could ever have been considered normal to begin with), he wouldn't have considered going out into the mire as hastily as he did, much less alone. Under normal circumstances, he might have planned the excursion, brought along someone trustworthy, played it safe under the 'rules' his nephew had set up. Circumstances were far from normal right then, he was sure.

Any other person, and he might have taken that time to prepare for the search. His daughter wasn't just any other person, though. Knowing she was out there, in the fog, by herself, was enough to get him going, enough to have him all but running out the doors. Foolhardy, but he hardly cared at present moment.

All that really mattered was finding her, and finding her damn quick. ]

ryotaro dojima, nanako dojima, souji seta

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