If You're Wondering | Closed

May 21, 2010 19:54

Characters: alphaspider , suchselfishness , open to ih8spiders 
Location: CC 5H
Rating: PG
Time: August 8th, Midmorning
Description: Rhode is back from her sudden disappearance, and she has a lot to catch up on with one of her favorites.

Rhode was worried.

Not about Kuroro. Honestly, truly, entirely not about Kuroro (or so she told herself), but about the fact that she was suddenly unable to teleport. She had tried, most certainly, as soon as she'd found herself away from her room in the Communal. Oddly- and disconcertingly- nothing happened, and she ended up walking.

Certainly, there was still Crane to worry about, somewhere out there. Her mood didn't particularly cater to cowardice at this point, however. If she had run into the doctor in this temper, she wouldn't be taking any prisoners. Even her uncle couldn't stand upright after one of her punches to the gut.

The courage was a bit harder to maintain when she reached the Communal, however; Rhode wasn't quite feeling up to a repeat of the last time she'd been here, wearing this dress. There wouldn't be any attacking now, she assured herself, but she had a bit of extra speed to her step as she made her way to Kurapika's door.

Rhode didn't bother knocking, letting herself in and closing the door a bit too quickly once she was in.

"Kuroro," she announced herself, running a hand over her dress. White again, just the way it had been when she first arrived here; Hopefully it wouldn't end up covered in blood like the last time.

rhode kamelot, kuroro lucifer

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