Characters: Hades [
furnace_head ] and whoever comes to investigate.
Location: The Communal's lobby/entrance.
Rating: PG, to start. Might go up depending on who drops here.
Time: August 8th, EARLY MORNING. As in, 5 AM.
Description: Hades is trying his hand at creating stuff. Sorta. You peons don't know how to treat gods properly. [Action or Prose log, I'm game for either.]
Hades was not particularly afraid of that Crane guy making a nuisance of himself. And he wasn't really bothered by the whole war thing. By now, the way he saw it, he was on vacation. Sure, he was sore about losing his hair - and his powers, but c'mon, they could have taken his powers without taking his hair, that was just spiteful - but at least he was not being buried alive under tons of work. There was sunshine here - not that he particularly liked sunshine much, but it was nice having a choice to hide away from it. And free stuff and a really interesting puzzle to solve in the shape of Shinigami's death - that still kinda boggled the mind. And watching Baby Cousin make a moron of himself - and figuring out if he was really a god or just a promoted figurehead, too!
This place was interesting - which he'd never thought he'd say about a place crawling all over with humans - and he wasn't too stressed beyond the occasional moronic comment about his hair. Hades liked that, it was really a nice vacation, something he'd never really had a chance to take, since Zeusy decided to be a mean spirited prat and shove... well, Hades, down his throat. Running the Underworld was not an easy task. Spitefully, he hoped things back home were hectic. It'd serve the golden squad good. They needed to learn how to properly appreciate him.
Speaking of appreciation, that was what Hades was working on that fine morning. He wasn't supposed to be doing this, of course, but then, he'd never been a particularly orthodox sort of god, and it did seem people around here really needed a clue-by-four when it came to appreciating their gods. He figured this could even qualify as a hobby, since he was in dire need of one of those, too.
Hades was building himself an altar.
Or, well, at least that was the idea. The problem was that Hades was really good at the whole smiting, destroying and killing things, but he'd never gotten around creating stuff. Or building it. Well, he'd remodeled Hades somewhat, once he'd taken seat, but that didn't really count, since all it took was a look and a thought to make things happen. Here? Things were a wee bit more complicated than that. For starters, getting materials was a pain, considering he couldn't just conjure stuff out of smoke anymore. And people here were so lazy, that guy he'd gotten all these stuff from hadn't been the most helpful about things. Hades thought it'd been a combination of a close-up to his pearly white smile and the fact the guy desperately wanted to sleep in had been what let him get away with his supplies.
Now came the hard part, which involved actually building the thing.
Hades figured it couldn't be that hard. After all, humans did this sort of thing all the time! Of course a rightfully Olympian god couldn't possibly have much trouble doing this. He grabbed a nail, a hammer and aimed.
One gloriously smashed plank later, Hades found himself blinking slowly.
"...okay, note to self, hammer gently."
'Gently', nevertheless, still echoed all over the Communal.
At five in the bright and early morning.
Watch out, Death City, the Cult of Hades is just starting.