May 22, 2010 12:08

Characters: OPEN to new arrivals and NPCS.
Where: En route to Casualty Communal
Rating: Gen
Time: August 8, Afternoon
Description: Deathscythe takes these new batch of arrivals to Casualty Communal together with some of Shibusen's finest crayzees part two!

Things had been looking better lately, what with the abolishment of the contract and the start of the classes again. It almost seemed normal, if not for the increasing number of new faces lately. It made him worry a little, how the BREW had been finding it necessary lately to toss even more and more people into their world -- was it a sign of things to come?

Spirit was there when the door to the chamber opened, ready in his usual suit and the communicators in a box next to him. He handed them out one by one, making sure to point out the manual, before stepping back and starting the tour.

[ooc: New arrivals are also encouraged to mingle with each other. I am trying out another format to this, so please bear with me! Basically, Spirit will be giving everyone a tour of Shibusen and Death City chronologically in different threads, and you are free to reply. You are also free to make new threads for yourselves for mingling with others if you like. Action logs are all right.]

blair, !newcomer, galatea, spirit albarn, yuri lowell, pepper potts, fuyuki hinata, adah price, nate "near" river, oruha, saber, flynn scifo, john adams, tseng, yao wong (china)

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