So, I'm not exactly thrilled that this year I wrote less than half as much as I did
last year. But whatever! It's still something, and it was still fun, and I'm still pleased with these stories.
Number of stories posted // Total word count
Numb3rs: 22 // 6,110
Supernatural: 3 // 631
N3/SPN crossover: 1 // 300
Total: 26 // 7,041
How I Used To. N3. Don/Terry. Rated PG. 200 words.
Flying Blind. N3. Megan. Rated PG. 100 words. (Part 1 of
Mad Mission series.)
Difficult Conditions. N3. Megan. Rated PG. 100 words. (Part 2 of
Mad Mission series.)
Got The Ambition. N3. Megan. Rated PG-15. 100 words. (Part 3 of
Mad Mission series.)
Sign Me Up N3. Megan. Rated PG. 100 words. (Part 4 of
Mad Mission series.)
Amita-and-Terry-get-eaten-by-a-bear-fic. :-/ N3. Don/Charlie. Rated PG-15. 180 words.
Winter Wonderland. N3. Don/Liz. Rated PG-13. 100 words.
Let's Get It On. N3. Don/Coop. Rated NC-17. 1950 words. Written for
Plenty Implied. N3. Don/Terry. Rated PG. 100 words.
Five Kinks People Assume Ian Has and One Surprising One He Does. N3. Ian/Charlie, Don/Ian, Ian/Megan, Ian/Colby, Terry/Ian. Rated... hard R, I guess. 325 words.
Ain't Lonely. SPN. Sam, Dean. Rated G. 356 words.
Never Had You. N3. Don, Charlie. Rated G. 100 words.
None. :-/
Still none. :-/
Sunkissed. N3/SPN. Jo/Amita. Rated PG. 300 words.
Little Things You Hide. N3. OMC/Amita. Rated R. 200 words.
Exhibit A. N3. Don/Coop pre-slash. Rated PG. 200 words.
I Thought You Needed A Permit For That Sort Of Thing. N3. Ian/Amita. Rated PG-15. 100 words.
Bound. N3. David/Charlie. Rated NC-17. 100 words.
Sam and Dean kissing. SPN. Sam/Dean. Rated PG-13. 125 words.
You've Got What Gets Me. N3. Colby/OFC. Rated R. 1455 words.
Better Take Note. N3. Colby/Liz. Rated PG-13. 100 words.
Believe In Me. N3. Colby/Megan. Rated PG. 100 words.
Time And Time Again. N3. Don, Terry, Charlie. Rated G. 100 words.
Again. N3. David/Colby/Megan. Rated R. 200 words.
Make You See. N3. Don/Liz. Rated PG-13. 100 words.
Straight to the Soul. N3. Don/Terry. Rated PG-13. 100 words.
Sooner Or Later. SPN. girl!Dean/Jo. Rated NC-17. 150 words.
Thank you to everyone who has read and encouraged and helped and inspired. ♥ ♥ ♥
Goals for next year, which I am making up on the spot: Write a new fandom. Collaborate with someone else. Write longer fics. Stop signing up for challenges you know you won't finish.