Mad Mission series master post

Jan 08, 2008 15:05

I wrote all four of these in one sitting, and I have to admit the series is up there on my list of "favorite things I've written." But that might just be because it was fun to write, not because it's anything great. ;-)

As far as I'm concerned, this is a completed series. All fics are gen and feature Megan.

Flying Blind. The man at the front desk barely spares her a second leer when she gives her fake name. Rated PG. 100 words.
Difficult Conditions. She raises an eyebrow and forces a smirk. Rated PG. 100 words.
Got The Ambition. She walks slowly to the foot of the bed. Rated PG-15. 100 words.
Sign Me Up. She doesn't have to use the mace. Rated PG. 100 words.

fanfiction, mad mission, master list

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