This is the english version of sonulya. I will post translated recipes here, as time allows. If you see anything that catches your eye in sonulya , don't hesitate to ask. I just might translate it :).
Chewy, dense, chocolaty. Today is my little sister's 20th birthday and the birthday girl requested brownies. I am a big believer in that the best things are the most simple. I wanted to make the most classic brownie. For that i turned to the Fine Cooking recipe and as is usually the case with Fine Cooking recipes, it did not disappoint. My
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I am always surprised to hear that people don't like brussel sprouts? How can you not like cabbage but in such a small package? I have always loved brussel sprouts but then I did grow up eating a lot of cabbage. Of course, that was plain and simple white cabbage in soups, stews, pies and stuffed. So now that I have access to the bountiful world
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It took me several years to decide to finally tackle these cookies and now I regret that I did not make them sooner. They keep wonderfully in an airtight container and are even better the next day or the next... There recipe is from the December 2005 issue of Gourmet - Read more... )
When I was growing up, carrots that were not raw were evil. This was because the only other type of carrot we saw were the ones that were boiled for hours in a pot of chicken or beef stock. Those carrots were mushy and had completely lost all their wonderful, sweet carrot flavor. As I started cooking, I quickly learned that not all cooked
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