Do I make you horny, baby?

May 24, 2009 17:06

-I am watchin' Jason King and the FIGHT SEQUENCES ARE FUCKING AMAZING. As in, incredibly ridiculous and rubbish. There is so much amazing corniness here that it is fucking beautiful. Thank god it's all light-hearted and comedic. And that King's fighting technique is meant to consist mostly of a few bitchslaps and then falling over artistically.

Also, this guy. You may have seen him in some vintage British shows bein' evil and shit. *cough* I am pretending that I am not watching this episode because he is in it. *cough*

Except Jason King is wearing this outfit and it is, frankly, THE MOST TERRIFYING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. JESUS CHRIST, WYNGARDE, PUT IT AWAY. This beats Avon's Lobster Suit in horribleness, mostly because you kind of need someone actually attractive to carry that much skin-tight leather. But then, the knowledge of Jason King being a huge sex symbol at the time just adds to the utter fucking hilarity of this thing.

It's enough to make the Master weep.

Having said that, I still want to be Jason King when I grow up and get locked up in a cell with Roger Delgado. Oh, this is amazing. He gets a dog drunk on champagne and the dog falls asleep on his crotch. He rides through Venice on a boat with his shirt open and his tache flying in the breeze. *tears of laughter are streaming down cheeks* And he threatens to spank chicks. And Delgado is fuckin' adorable as the confused, flaily police capitano. He's like the only actor in this whose accent isn't completely shit. And King gets dogs drunk again. AND JUMPS THROUGH GLASS WINDOWS WHILE WEARING LEATHER FLARES. Because the dog is drunk and ruins his cat-burglar activities. Ahhhhhhhhhh. Only in the Seventies. There's so much bad here, but at least there's Roger Delgado. Did I mention he was in it? And Jason King gets to fuck twins in the end and lounge around on a posh sofa in a dressing gown and eat grapes. The dog gets drunk again. They all laugh. *cries* AMAZING. I'd take more caps but my rip and the quality of the original is rubbish. Which is probably good for my eyesight. *cries some more*

I think I need some LoM now, to wash the real Seventies from my head.

jason fucking king, delgado's is bigger than yours, roger delgado, telefantasy, timecock, telly

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