
May 24, 2012 11:26

Writing Updates: Moonlight - Devil Inside

Got up at 6:20 this morning so we could get ready to take Copper to the vet. A couple of days ago we found something that looks like an abscess in his mouth, concerned we took him to the vet. They told us it was a malignant tumor and were concerned about it spreading to his lungs. We got x-rays and blood work done for him and it hadn’t spread as far as we could tell via the results. So we took him home and had to wait for the remaining results that would tell us if he is healthy enough to go into surgery. Yesterday evening we got the call that overall he seems okay. Nothing too bad, his liver enzymes are a little high and they’re unsure why. The tumor is definitely malignant and will spread quickly, it’s very aggressive in his mouth and if we can remove it that should help him. The concern is we’re not sure why his liver enzymes are so high, but hopefully, removing the tumor will help that. If it doesn’t there are obviously other issues he has to deal with. So I got up and walked him then we took him to the vet. And she gave me a rundown of everything, and if everything goes well they’ll remove the tumor, clean his teeth and he’ll be coming home this afternoon.

Most of the concern comes from his age (he’s 14) and the liver, but the vet isn’t sure what’s causing it and may not be even after the surgery because to tell they’d have to go into his liver which is too invasive. Despite that, the vet seems very hopeful that she can help him. And they’re going to do their best. I feel fairly relieved by that and I’m not as worried as I was when I left the vet this morning.

Copper’s been behaving the same as he always has, so, that’s another reason I’m not too concerned. He’s still playing, running, eating, napping all day - whatever he wants. His eating has been a little less lately but I’m wondering if that’s due to the tumor (as it’s in his mouth so it might be sore). But when he eats he cleans out his dish.

Just got back from grocery shopping, so glad that’s done. We have snacks again! (Yes, Mikari, they’re cookies and yes they’re oreos and chocolate chip.) Other than that, nothing too important to note.

Still trying to get all the financials and transcript stuff taken care of so I can start training to be a teacher.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

copper, school, groceries

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