lol what the fuck happened.

Jan 15, 2009 16:36

Characters: GENDERBENT!Goose, non-genderbent Surge
What: Genderbending is the worst thing to wake up to ever. Unless you're the one who isn't. :|
Where: Theiiiiir apartment, obviously.
When: GENDERBENDER DAY, January 15th, very early morning.
Rating: PG-13 - R, especially now that Goose has ... boobs. :V;;


!rp log, goose (pilotwings), lieutenant surge (pokemon)

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Comments 29

badasstrenches January 15 2009, 22:21:30 UTC
Surge was still half-asleep when Goose got up from the bed. He was faintly aware that his bed partner was gone, but the pilot probably had to go to the bathroom or something. Snuggling further under the sheets, he didn't even bother opening his eyes ( ... )


badasscopters January 15 2009, 22:27:25 UTC
Goose let out a bit of a huffy sigh and rolled her eyes. "Nah, I'm just a new teacher at the school tryin' to show herself to the faculty," She groaned and pointed at herself. "'COURSE it's me! I woke up like this!"

She gauged her boyfriend's reaction to her change, and then finally decided to throw herself onto the bed with him and fling her arm over her eyes. "I don't know WHAT HAPPENED! I woke up 'n the first thing I notice's that I have fat on m' chest the size o' televisions!" Okay, that was WAY an overexaggeration, but it still somewhat got her point across... right? What mattered right now was that SHE HAD BREASTS. She was a HE that had turned into a SHE when SHE is supposed to be a HE!

... this wasn't right.


badasstrenches January 15 2009, 22:34:20 UTC
Surge's eyes kept darting down to the new pair of breasts. Then he reminded himself that it was Goose and that he probably shouldn't. But still, those were some nice... ah... nice...

Geez, how long had it been seen he'd seen some of those, anyway? Way too long, if you asked him. It had to be at least before he met Goose. Maybe even before he came to SumaBura? Well either way, it had been a while. And this sudden change in his boyfriend... girlfriend... whatever had caused some questions to arise.

As Goose flopped onto the bed, Surge's first thought was to check if the breasts were real. He quickly kicked that idea under the proverbial bed. So instead he lamely replied, "You... uh... Look cute in pigtails?"

Oh yeah, that was definitely helping the situation. Way to go, Surge. Way to go.


badasscopters January 15 2009, 22:40:47 UTC
The pilot only replied to his comment with a killer glare at first. CUTE? In PIGTAILS? FUCK THAT. "No I doooon't!" Goose snarled and rolled onto her stomach... which... proved to be VERY uncomfortable. "Hnnnghhh ow ow ow..."

... yeeeeah, that was a bad idea. She kept forgetting that she had breasts now!

Sitting up, she got up next to him and stared down at... THEM horrifically. This was seriously the freakiest thing in the world. How did she go to sleep as a man, and then wake up... as a WOMAN?

"... this ain't right," She muttered, folding her arms over her chest... well... below the breasts, at least. She didn't want to hurt them AGAIN! They were already... err... sore enough. "And I don't understand how women can like these... things. Them things're hurtin' like bitches!"


badasstrenches January 15 2009, 23:14:31 UTC
Alright, so the news was a bust. Surge waited patiently as Goose checked the computer. "School-wide? Damn, what could have happened? Well at least that means it's not just you. I'm sure lots of people will be trying to figure out why it happened, then. Hopefully they'll be able to find some answers soon."

He shrugged, "I guess I could. Actually, we could probably do that right now, if you wanted. If this really is affecting most of the people at school, then I highly doubt classes are still bein' held. I doubt anyone is goin' to say anything if you skip one class."

That was when Surge got the wonderful image of going shopping with the now female Goose. So many cute, girly things he could buy for her. Maybe if he was extra helpful, she'd wear that special dress.

Screw being the worst day ever. This was now officially the best day ever.


badasscopters January 15 2009, 23:18:50 UTC
Goose sighed and closed the windows, shutting the computer down. "Nn, if I'm gonna skip teachin' today... then... how 'bout I make us some breakfast, and then we go? I'm starvin' anyway, and I've gotta feed Hettie--..."

... well, shit. That was one thing she had forgotten. She let her eyes widen a little, glancing at the door out... and outside, little skrees and flaps of wings could be heard.

"... is Hettie even gonna RECOGNIZE me? Or Sharky?" Well, that was another problem.


badasstrenches January 15 2009, 23:53:45 UTC
That was actually a good question. Now that Goose was female, did that mean the pilot would smell different to the spiderbird? Surge would never have thought of that. "... I don't know," he answered. "I hope not. That would just complicate things."

He shrugged, "If she doesn't, then I guess I'll take care of her until you're back to normal. Or something." That was assuming Goose would turn back to normal after this. Surge liked to be optimistic, but there was no concrete information that said this change wasn't permanent.

But he wouldn't tell the pilot that. Goose would just freak out even more, and the lieutenant did NOT want to deal with something akin to PMS rage. They'd just cross that bridge when they got there.

"Breakfast sounds good, though," he replied. It was also a good excuse to take their minds off this insanity.


badasscopters January 16 2009, 00:09:34 UTC
Goose was still ever uneasy about the issue, but Surge's words were awfully reassuring. "... I guess..." He then lead them both out of the room...

Only to see a very puffy, very CONFUSED Hester sitting outside of the door. '... Skree?'

Immediately, the pet got up onto her feet and starting circling the strange woman... and quickly made use of her beak to bite onto her ankle, but before she could put pressure-... wait... that ankle felt familiar!

She then squeaked and began to try to hop up onto her leg with her front legs, wiggling her butt with excitement. Yeeeaaaah, she recognized her. "Phew... that was a close 'ne. Hey, Hettie!" She lifted the spiderbird up in her arms and carried her over to her food dish. She then tore the bag open and dumped a little bit of it into her bowl.

As she headed over to fill the water dish up, she motioned for Surge to hit the table. "So... whaddya' wanna eat?"


badasstrenches January 16 2009, 02:46:45 UTC
"Coooooming," he practically sang. Truthfully, Surge knew he was enjoying this way too much. No doubt Goose was in a foul mood due to the change, and the lieutenant's behavior wasn't helping. But if Surge had been the girl and Goose was the guy in this situation, would the pilot have acted any differently?

... Well alright, so may Goose wasn't as much of a douche as Surge was, but still!

Entering the dressing room stall, he could barely contain a shiver of delight at the sight before him. Goose, in all her new feminine glory, was down to her skivvies in a fairly attractive pair of panties and bra. Surge silently thanked whoever it was that caused this gender switch to happen.

"L-looks good," was all he could mutter.


badasscopters January 16 2009, 02:53:52 UTC
Goose finally finished trying on all of the lingerie and kept all that she was going to buy. Getting dressed up again, she motioned for Surge to come out with her so they could go pay.

"Ya' liiiittle bastard," She started, actually smirking a little up at him. She then lowered her tone down a little so they wouldn't be heard. "Is it just me, or would ya' like us to test this body o' mine when we get home?" Yeeeaaaaah, no doubt she'd get some sort of 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'-esque reaction from Surge over that.

Heading up to the cashier, she handed him all of the items and got the total price for all of them. She then reached for her purse, forked over the money, and retrieved her bags. Simple enough.

As they walked out, she handed ALL of the bags over to Surge. "Think ya' can hold this in the back for me? Ya'll get yer' reward when we get home~"


badasstrenches January 16 2009, 02:58:34 UTC

Goose was completely right. That one little statement was enough to rattle Surge's cage and leave him speechless. He couldn't do more than stand there and gawk as the pilot paid for the clothes and then dumped the bags into his hands.

He followed without a word, not even registering the bags in his hands. This day just went from good to oh my god this is the best day of my life please never end.


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