lol what the fuck happened.

Jan 15, 2009 16:36

Characters: GENDERBENT!Goose, non-genderbent Surge
What: Genderbending is the worst thing to wake up to ever. Unless you're the one who isn't. :|
Where: Theiiiiir apartment, obviously.
When: GENDERBENDER DAY, January 15th, very early morning.
Rating: PG-13 - R, especially now that Goose has ... boobs. :V;;


!rp log, goose (pilotwings), lieutenant surge (pokemon)

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badasstrenches January 15 2009, 22:21:30 UTC
Surge was still half-asleep when Goose got up from the bed. He was faintly aware that his bed partner was gone, but the pilot probably had to go to the bathroom or something. Snuggling further under the sheets, he didn't even bother opening his eyes.

That was when Goose decided to give the lieutenant one hell of a wake-up call. Being roughly shaken awake wasn't exactly his idea of a 'good morning'. Opening his eyes, Surge snapped, "AUGH! What the hell are you--" But his voice fell silent as he noticed the woman in the room.

Sitting up, he just blinked at her. There was a strange women in his bedroom, who looked sort of like his boyfriend. This... was new. And extremely confusing. What the hell happened?

Surge tried to remember what happened last night. Had he gotten drunk, met some random women at a bar, and invited her home? No way. That may have happened in the past, but he liked to think of himself as more loyal to his boyfriend than that. And besides, he didn't even go out the previous night!

Wait... the mystery girl had called him 'Matt,' right? There was only one person who called him that. ... But that was impossible, right? Right?

... Oh god...



badasscopters January 15 2009, 22:27:25 UTC
Goose let out a bit of a huffy sigh and rolled her eyes. "Nah, I'm just a new teacher at the school tryin' to show herself to the faculty," She groaned and pointed at herself. "'COURSE it's me! I woke up like this!"

She gauged her boyfriend's reaction to her change, and then finally decided to throw herself onto the bed with him and fling her arm over her eyes. "I don't know WHAT HAPPENED! I woke up 'n the first thing I notice's that I have fat on m' chest the size o' televisions!" Okay, that was WAY an overexaggeration, but it still somewhat got her point across... right? What mattered right now was that SHE HAD BREASTS. She was a HE that had turned into a SHE when SHE is supposed to be a HE!

... this wasn't right.


badasstrenches January 15 2009, 22:34:20 UTC
Surge's eyes kept darting down to the new pair of breasts. Then he reminded himself that it was Goose and that he probably shouldn't. But still, those were some nice... ah... nice...

Geez, how long had it been seen he'd seen some of those, anyway? Way too long, if you asked him. It had to be at least before he met Goose. Maybe even before he came to SumaBura? Well either way, it had been a while. And this sudden change in his boyfriend... girlfriend... whatever had caused some questions to arise.

As Goose flopped onto the bed, Surge's first thought was to check if the breasts were real. He quickly kicked that idea under the proverbial bed. So instead he lamely replied, "You... uh... Look cute in pigtails?"

Oh yeah, that was definitely helping the situation. Way to go, Surge. Way to go.


badasscopters January 15 2009, 22:40:47 UTC
The pilot only replied to his comment with a killer glare at first. CUTE? In PIGTAILS? FUCK THAT. "No I doooon't!" Goose snarled and rolled onto her stomach... which... proved to be VERY uncomfortable. "Hnnnghhh ow ow ow..."

... yeeeeah, that was a bad idea. She kept forgetting that she had breasts now!

Sitting up, she got up next to him and stared down at... THEM horrifically. This was seriously the freakiest thing in the world. How did she go to sleep as a man, and then wake up... as a WOMAN?

"... this ain't right," She muttered, folding her arms over her chest... well... below the breasts, at least. She didn't want to hurt them AGAIN! They were already... err... sore enough. "And I don't understand how women can like these... things. Them things're hurtin' like bitches!"


badasstrenches January 15 2009, 22:49:22 UTC
It was all Surge could do to just watch Goose complain and move around awkwardly in the new body. He didn't know why the pilot was being such a stick in the mud, though. Sure randomly waking up to be the opposite gender was probably a huge surprise, but crazier stuff had happened at the school. Goose really shouldn't have been so shocked.

"Oh come on, they're not that bad." And by that Surge meant 'they're not that bad to look at,' but he figured he'd get punched if he said that out loud. "I'm sure there's some sort of explanation for all this."

As Goose pouted, Surge was finding it extremely hard to keep his hands to himself. Damnit, why did the pilot make such an adorable girl?! Forcing himself to look elsewhere, he suggested, "Maybe you should get dressed? Then we can try to figure out why this happened..."


badasscopters January 15 2009, 22:55:44 UTC
Goose took notice of the way he wasn't even... looking at him while he spoke. Damn, did she really look that weird? Shrugging, she crawled off of the bed and headed into the closet... hmmm. Now what would even FIT her now?

After a bit of looking around, she found one of her slightly more tinier white shirts and her piloting jeans (which were naturally pretty bulky and puffy, but tight). Perfect... maybe. She took them off the hangers and immediately dressed herself, and then re-emerged from the closet... almost completely clothed. She'd need a bra now, right? Well... not like they'd HAVE any! So screw it, it wasn't a big deal.

... it was just going to feel VERY weird, looking... like she didn't have a bra, so to speak, while she was in the school and teaching.

"... I'm kinda hatin' this already," She groaned and plopped down on the bed. "There's gotta be a reason why this happened! I mean, it didn't happen t' ya', obviously... just me." She pursed her lips in thought.


badasstrenches January 15 2009, 23:03:21 UTC
Okay good, Goose was now clothed. Very loosely clothed, but clothed nonetheless. Though the fact that the pilot wasn't wearing a bra wasn't really helping. Surge would just have to keep reminding himself not to stare for suspicious periods of time.

"I dunno," he shrugged. "Try rememberin' what we did yesterday. Anything in particular that you did that I didn't? That's all I can really think of..." That was when a thought came to him. "Hey, did you check on-line or the news or something? That might give us more answers..."

And Surge was staring again. Shaking his head, he mentally reprimanded himself. This was going to be the longest day ever. "We... uh... probably should get you some clothes that fit... I guess... Who knows how long this'll last."


badasscopters January 15 2009, 23:08:01 UTC
"Rememberin'... what we did yesterday..." Goose pondered about it a bit, also keeping in mind what Surge had mentioned about anything online or in the news. "Uhh, lessee," She snatched a remote from the desk and flipped the television in the room on, changing it to the news...

... well, they certainly weren't mentioning anything. "Uh, forget the news. Online? Uhh..." He then turned the TV off and headed over to the computer, glancing at the journal network as he began to type in a URL--... wait. Wait, no.

... This happened to other people, too!

"Matt, looks like I ain't the only one," He commented, pointing down at what was on the screen. "Well... guess it's kinda school-wide now. Mostly. Huh."

And then added, "... and uh, think ya' can take me clothes shoppin' later, then?"


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