lol what the fuck happened.

Jan 15, 2009 16:36

Characters: GENDERBENT!Goose, non-genderbent Surge
What: Genderbending is the worst thing to wake up to ever. Unless you're the one who isn't. :|
Where: Theiiiiir apartment, obviously.
When: GENDERBENDER DAY, January 15th, very early morning.
Rating: PG-13 - R, especially now that Goose has ... boobs. :V;;

Hnnnghhhfff I don't wanna get outta' bed...

Goose stirred and groaned beneath the sheets, which were pulled up high over his own head right now. GOD, he hated having to get up and teach a class. SUCH a pain. However, it was still quite early... he didn't have to leave for another couple of hours, maybe? He still had plenty of time to rest. Sighing, he flipped around and shifted a little, melting fondly onto his lover's back contently, and began to close his eyes again...

... until he felt something was amiss. His chest felt awfully... uncomfortable right now, as well as his... ahem, crotch area. The latter of which felt like it was... lacking something, whereas the former held this feeling of fullness. This was backwards!

Goose grinded his teeth a little and prepared to situate himself, rising his body upward until he sat back on his rear end on the bed. Maybe he was just half-asleep and feeling things...

But a whole different realization struck him when he glanced down at his ever-so-changed body. His hair was even LONGER than its normal length, and... actually wasn't spiked except for the very top of his head. He felt himself much... curvier, more slender, and... he had BOOBS. And a VAGINA.

WHAT THE FUCK. He FLEW out of bed and threw his shirt off, and... well, yep. There they were. BOOBS. W-... Wow. Making sure he wasn't dreaming, he glanced around and ... poked one. Poke. Poke. Then he wound up squeezing it, gently at first, and then a bit harder... harder... HARDER...

"... OW!" He released his grip and quickly glanced back at Surge. Nope. Not awake. Sighing with relief, he rushed over to the computer and turned it on. GOD, he needed to vent. He had the time to!

After making a quick entry and submitting it, he jogged over to the bathroom and tied his hair up in two pigtails. That looked... silly, but hey, if he changed gender and his hair grew longer, he'd rather do this to keep the strands out of his face. Shivering a little and sporting a look of 'WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED', he immediately made for the bed and roughly shook his boyfriend on the shoulder.

Or shall we say... HER boyfriend. "M... Matt? Ya' awake?"

!rp log, goose (pilotwings), lieutenant surge (pokemon)

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