lol what the fuck happened.

Jan 15, 2009 16:36

Characters: GENDERBENT!Goose, non-genderbent Surge
What: Genderbending is the worst thing to wake up to ever. Unless you're the one who isn't. :|
Where: Theiiiiir apartment, obviously.
When: GENDERBENDER DAY, January 15th, very early morning.
Rating: PG-13 - R, especially now that Goose has ... boobs. :V;;


!rp log, goose (pilotwings), lieutenant surge (pokemon)

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badasstrenches January 15 2009, 23:14:31 UTC
Alright, so the news was a bust. Surge waited patiently as Goose checked the computer. "School-wide? Damn, what could have happened? Well at least that means it's not just you. I'm sure lots of people will be trying to figure out why it happened, then. Hopefully they'll be able to find some answers soon."

He shrugged, "I guess I could. Actually, we could probably do that right now, if you wanted. If this really is affecting most of the people at school, then I highly doubt classes are still bein' held. I doubt anyone is goin' to say anything if you skip one class."

That was when Surge got the wonderful image of going shopping with the now female Goose. So many cute, girly things he could buy for her. Maybe if he was extra helpful, she'd wear that special dress.

Screw being the worst day ever. This was now officially the best day ever.


badasscopters January 15 2009, 23:18:50 UTC
Goose sighed and closed the windows, shutting the computer down. "Nn, if I'm gonna skip teachin' today... then... how 'bout I make us some breakfast, and then we go? I'm starvin' anyway, and I've gotta feed Hettie--..."

... well, shit. That was one thing she had forgotten. She let her eyes widen a little, glancing at the door out... and outside, little skrees and flaps of wings could be heard.

"... is Hettie even gonna RECOGNIZE me? Or Sharky?" Well, that was another problem.


badasstrenches January 15 2009, 23:53:45 UTC
That was actually a good question. Now that Goose was female, did that mean the pilot would smell different to the spiderbird? Surge would never have thought of that. "... I don't know," he answered. "I hope not. That would just complicate things."

He shrugged, "If she doesn't, then I guess I'll take care of her until you're back to normal. Or something." That was assuming Goose would turn back to normal after this. Surge liked to be optimistic, but there was no concrete information that said this change wasn't permanent.

But he wouldn't tell the pilot that. Goose would just freak out even more, and the lieutenant did NOT want to deal with something akin to PMS rage. They'd just cross that bridge when they got there.

"Breakfast sounds good, though," he replied. It was also a good excuse to take their minds off this insanity.


badasscopters January 16 2009, 00:09:34 UTC
Goose was still ever uneasy about the issue, but Surge's words were awfully reassuring. "... I guess..." He then lead them both out of the room...

Only to see a very puffy, very CONFUSED Hester sitting outside of the door. '... Skree?'

Immediately, the pet got up onto her feet and starting circling the strange woman... and quickly made use of her beak to bite onto her ankle, but before she could put pressure-... wait... that ankle felt familiar!

She then squeaked and began to try to hop up onto her leg with her front legs, wiggling her butt with excitement. Yeeeaaaah, she recognized her. "Phew... that was a close 'ne. Hey, Hettie!" She lifted the spiderbird up in her arms and carried her over to her food dish. She then tore the bag open and dumped a little bit of it into her bowl.

As she headed over to fill the water dish up, she motioned for Surge to hit the table. "So... whaddya' wanna eat?"


badasstrenches January 16 2009, 00:41:52 UTC
It was a relief that the pet recognized her owner. Even if the method of recognition left a bit to be desired. That was one less thing to worry about.

"I dunno," he sat down by the table. "Anything is good, I guess. But if I had to pick... hm... Scrambled eggs sounds good right about now."

As the pilot got to work in the kitchen, Surge couldn't help but watch her move about. Not only was she well endowed in the front, but in the behind as well. This day just kept improving.


badasscopters January 16 2009, 00:48:47 UTC
"Scrambled eggs... got it. Will make some toast and bacon t' go with it!" Goose then went off to do her work, getting the eggs mixed up and into the pan, setting up a second one for the bacon, and popping the toast in the toaster. As she went on, she couldn't help but feel... awkward. As if someone were staring her down like--...

... naaaaah. This was a serious moment, Surge wouldn't just go about and do that! Shrugging and smirking, she finished the food up and served them half and half on two plates, and then poured them both some 100% orange juice. She placed both plates and glasses on the table before plopping down on a chair right next to him.

"Mm, hope it's good 'nough~" She smiled and began to dig in.

"So... mm... lemme make a checklist..." She muttered. "New jeans, new shirts... mmph..." She took another bite, swallowed and then continued. "Undergarments, uhhh... y'anno, panties and bras. Condoms," She glared down at a specific area of her jeans, so to speak. "Just in case. And uh... guess that's it?"


badasstrenches January 16 2009, 01:15:30 UTC
"Thanks," Surge grinned. Digging in, he replied, "It's delicious."

He listened quietly as Goose listed off the items. Almost choking when she mentioned 'undergarments' and so on, he quickly took a drink of his juice. Better almost choking that having a nosebleed.

Wait... But if Goose was going to buy underwear and bras, didn't that mean she'd have to try them on? And wouldn't she want Surge's opinion on that?

Now that caused a nosebleed. He tried to cover it up by pretending to blow his nose on his napkin.


badasscopters January 16 2009, 01:22:01 UTC
Finally, Goose had downed all of the food and most of her orange juice. Standing up and sighing contently, after Surge had finished, she took all the dishes and headed over to scrub them all down. That didn't take long, and after finishing up and drying her hands up, she headed into the bedroom to get some shoes on.

She then re-emerged, looking at least somewhat decent and ready to go. "'Kay, time to go... guess we're takin' Sharky, huh? ARE YOU SURE SHE'LL RECOGNIZE ME?" She reached over to one of the shelves for the keys and began to head up to the roof.


badasstrenches January 16 2009, 01:32:08 UTC
"I guess so," Surge shrugged. "Be a good girl while we're gone, Hettie," he called out to the spiderbird. Walking out the door, he locked it behind both of them. He then followed Goose up to the roof.

It was at that time that the lieutenant cursed the second seat. But oh well, there wasn't much he could do about it. Climbing into the gyrocopter, he waited for the pilot to do the same.

He just hoped Goose wouldn't get overly emotional or something about the change and the 'copter. Of course he wouldn't put it past the pilot.


badasscopters January 16 2009, 01:37:33 UTC
And of course, Goose got a little emotional... but in a positive way upon approaching his 'copter. "Heeey, beautiful~" She leaned up to the head of Sharky and petted it a little bit. "Ya' fly reeeeeal good for me today, 'kay?" Then she FINALLY climbed into the pilot's seat and started up the chopper.

Lifting it up, she flew a ways over the city, glancing down every so often to make sure she was going the right way to the store. Hm, definitely looked right... they probably weren't too far off. The store WAS awfully close to their place.

She then saw a signpost jutting into the air, a very colorful one that had caught her eye. The department store, bingo. "Heeeere we are!" She announced as she lowered the craft down into the parking lot, finding a nice place to keep it landed.

Climbing out, she looked over at Surge and waited for him to get out, as well.


badasstrenches January 16 2009, 01:42:29 UTC
Surge realized that when a woman petted and coddled the gyrocopter, it was sort of... hot. When Goose normally did it, it was just kind of creepy. But now it was almost like those hot booth babes at car shows. The lieutenant could definitely get used to that.

But soon they were up in the air, flying toward FDC. Wherever Goose chose to shop would probably be good enough. So when they finally landed, Surge got out without a word.

The department store, huh? That seemed like a good idea. Department stores usually had wide varieties of all sorts of clothes. It was good enough a place to start searching, at any rate.

Nodding at his companion, Surge responded, "Lead the way."


badasscopters January 16 2009, 01:47:44 UTC
"Got it~" Goose held his hand and lead him into the building, and soon enough, found themselves within the product filled building with chock fulls of what they needed. From lingerie to women's clothing to... err... certain other items they needed.

"Heh, how 'bout you go grab some condoms, any kind, and I'll just start lookin' for clothes? Ya' can meet me by the fittin' rooms, I guess!" She ushered Surge off, grabbed a shopping cart, and then headed into the oodles and oodles of women's clothing. She might as well start there first, but it'd... take a while of finding her size in comparison to her old male's clothing.

Thus, she picked out a couple of outfits, all in different sizes and shapes, and then walked over to the fitting rooms. Yet, she did not go inside just yet, and decided to just wait for Surge to get back.


badasstrenches January 16 2009, 01:54:47 UTC
"Uh, alright," Surge was shoved off into another direction. He shrugged, figuring he might as well do as Goose wanted. It didn't take long for the lieutenant to find what he was looking for, and then he immediately walked over to the fitting rooms. Dropping the condoms in the cart, he glanced at the piles of clothes.

"I guess you should start tryin' stuff on. I'll tell you if they look good or not," he smirked. "If you need help with anything, just call out."

In all honesty, this felt a little weird. Surge had never gone shopping with a girl before. A boy-turned-girl. Whatever. To the unsuspecting eye, it probably was a very common scene. A girl dragged her boyfriend to the store, tried on clothes, and then will probably force him to carry all the bags.

But Surge had never done something so mundane as this before. It was... different, to say the least.


badasscopters January 16 2009, 02:08:42 UTC
"Gotcha'," Goose muttered simply, taking the stacks of clothes and taking them into one of the fitting rooms. As she tried them on, from jeans to shirts to even skirts, it... it was REALLY awkward. I mean, he was a... she right now, so it wasn't as bad (especially since she'd never wear skirts as a man), but... it still didn't detract a whole lot from the weirdness factor ( ... )


badasstrenches January 16 2009, 02:25:00 UTC
As Goose came out of the dressing room, Surge did was Surge did best.

He stared. And stared. And stared some more. Until finally...

"You look really good," he mumbled, still in a half-daze. The shirt and skirt definitely brought out the pilot's new curves. And god damn if Goose wasn't one smoking hot babe right now.

That was when Surge's mind crashed back into reality. "What? Tops? Oh right, sure!" Now that the wheels had started turning, there was no stopping them. "I'll be right back, don't go anywhere!"

And before Goose could reply, the lieutenant was off looking for attractive and somewhat revealing tops for the pilot.


badasscopters January 16 2009, 02:28:44 UTC
Goose opened her mouth, about to say something, but... DAMN, Surge was fast! He sure did go off very quickly... shit. She bet that he was going to be up to SOMETHING...

... hrrrrgh. Maybe she'd deal with it if it wound up that she'd never be a man again. MAYBE. But that was a very big maybe.

Groaning, she walked off into the fitting room stall and undressed herself, getting into the outfit she came in again and saving everything else in the cart. She then moved on to grab some lingerie from the nearby aisle to try on. Eh, did she even have a choice?

Sighing, she headed back to the fitting room, and waited for Surge... yet again.


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