12 Days of Lorne Masterlist 2010

Dec 29, 2010 09:31

This was a blast!!! I want to thank everyone for playing - If you haven't had a chance, go and check out all the wonderful gifts: fics, art, pic spams, then give the gift of fb... again much ♥ for everyone's participation with a very big THANK YOU!!!

On the first day, mackenziesmomma brought us a massive pic spam: p1 & p2
On the second day, denyce brought us fic: First Day, pg (pre-slash Lorne/Sheppard)
On the third day, spacedogfl brought us fic: Last Christmas, g (Lorne/McKay)
On the fourth day, sparkyqueen brought us fic: All that is home, pg (Lorne/Parrish)

On the fifth day,azure_chaos brought us fic: Five Gold Rings & csichick_2 also brought us fic: untitled (Lorne/Parrish, R

On the sixth day, calcitrix brought us art & fic: Art: Peppermint Kisses, G (Lorne/Parrish) Misconceptions, or: Believe What You to Believe p1 & p2, NC-17 (Lorne/Parrish, McKay/Sheppard)

On the seventh day, rubygirl29 brought us fic & art: Comfort and Joy (Lorne/Mitchell, NC-17) & mandykaysfic brought us 2 fics: Disarming, pg-13 (Lorne/Parrish) & Lorne's Team: In Training, R-NC-17 (Lorne, Parrish, Coughlin, Reed)

On the eighth day, jayfray18 brought us fic: The Pain of Loving You, NC-17 (Lorne/Dex)
On the ninth day, stormylullabye brought us fic: Habit, NC-17 (Lorne/Sheppard)
On the tenth day, gblvr brought us fic & an amusing place holder: What He Needs, NC-17 (Lorne/Zelenka)
On the eleventh day, clwilson2006 brought us fic: Friday In Atlantis, PG-13 (Lorne/Parrish)
On the twelfth day, somehowunbroken brought us fic: Christmas Gifts, PG-13 (Lorne/Parrish)

Extra treats during the fest:
whytewytch4 posted fic: ch 6 of the series Samhain: Goodbyes, NC-17 (Lorne/OC
somehowunbroken posted fic: Tis the Season, G (Lorne/Parrish, Sheppard/Mitchell
spacedogfl posted fic: Abuse of Power 2/2, G (Lorne/McKay)
rubygirl29 posted a pic: Kavan, yum!
lears_daughter posted fic: The Best of Bad Situation, PG (Lorne/Parrish)
whytewytch4 posted fic: Naughty Christmas, NC-17 (Lorne/Sheppard/Teyla)
spacedogfl posted fic: Gift of the Major, R/NC-17 (Lorne/McKay/Sheppard)

12days challenge, 12days-03, masterlist

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