Ficlet: Oh, Christmas Tree; SGA/Buffy; Lorne/Xander + Sheppard; Teen

Dec 29, 2010 12:16

Title: Oh, Christmas Tree
Fandom: SGA/Buffy
Pairing: Evan Lorne/Xander Harris, John Sheppard
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: I don’t own either SGA or Buffy. This is a transformative work of fiction, no copyright infringement intended.
Summary: Evan holds a party with his own unique Christmas tree.
A/N: This is for Vegasdisneymom who prompted: “Lorne/Xander, a twist on rope bondage using Xmas ribbons & baubles.” 681words

Oh, Christmas Tree

pairings: lorne/other, author: azure_chaos, xover

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