Naughty Christmas

Dec 24, 2010 10:02

Author:  Whytewytch4
Title:  Naughty Christmas

Word count: 1686

Rating:  MA
Characters:  Evan, John, Teyla

Warnings/spoilers:  Threesome sex, possible dub-con.  No spoilers

Summary:  Evan is jealous of John and Teyla at a Christmas party.  He doesn’t realize they want him to join in their play.

A/N:  Ending left open-ended in case you want more.  Un-beta-ed as I just wrote it this morning, and wanted to post something Evan-ey before Christmas.  Please let me know (in a nice way!) if I should have given it to my beta first.

Here at my comm )

12days challenge, 12days-03, pairings: 3some, author: whytewytch4

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