Happy New Year!
Remember when I said I wanted to get my hair done like
Sokolum79's so it looks awesome while it grows? Done! It's pretty fun. The itty bitty bangs are brunette and adorable, the rat tail is green and teal, and the rest is blonde. We left the shaved side natural. If I decide not to get shaved down between trips to my hairstylist, I'll end up dyeing the shaved side myself to hide all those embarrassing whites (seriously, someone in their 20s should not have so many whites). Anyway, to the photo!
Taken with Camera+ app. Seriously awesome app
I told Sokolum79 that I stole her haircut and she asked to see a pic. Good news: She approves!
Man, it's hard to believe that today is the last day of holidays. Ah well.
I'm not one for New Year's resolutions. I think it sets people up for failure and it comes across like saying one is flawed. I quite enjoyed
this article on the topic of Sankalpa. I particularly liked this:
January first, we start our first 24 Things cycle for the year 2013. Let go of one thing, each day, for the next 24 days. Let go and create freedom, in the home, mind or body and create a sacred space. Inside this sacred space, you can develop the faith that you will be provided for and cherished without the aid of material things.
We are more powerful than we know and can call in the wonderful, when we learn to let go. Make space in your life for your Sankalpa to enter.
Write a little something every day about what you are letting go of; it can stir up a lot of discomfort and sometimes confusion when we rid ourselves of clutter in our lives.
They also ask that you not buying anything for 24 days. Seeing as my birthday falls in there, I can't make that guarantee. *lol* I may not blog here about what I do everyday, but I would like to give this a shot. So, the first thing I got rid of was my e-mail folder of all e-mails from my previous job. That may not seem like much and isn't physical, tangible clutter, but I had a hard time last year just deleting it all. It's like I wanted to hold on to that anger, stress, and resentment that I had at that job and towards the people I worked with who made me so miserable. I should have deleted those e-mails as soon as I quit. It seems silly now that I had them for so long. Deleting that folder felt great. I shouldn't have read any of the e-mails, but I read the last one and it stirred up all those feelings. In a way, maybe it was good to read it so that it would feel more cathartic to delete. It's not easy for me to get over serious anger, which is what I felt there, but I know it's worse to hold on to it. I'm practicing just letting go so as to not carry negative emotions with me for a long time.