boys and girls of every age

Oct 28, 2010 12:31

Who: everyone~
When: October 28th and 29th, 3 pm until 7:30 am each day
Where: Haunted House in Sector 4
Summary: A neutral group sets up a fun haunted house that goes terribly awry on the second day!
Warnings: Probably gore/violence in the second night's thread. Please let a mod know if there's anything specific to warn for.

wouldn't you like to see something strange? )

*event, gaara, *open log, aoyagi ritsuka, gabriel/the trickster, rochelle, sai, triela

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October 28th, 7:30 pm to 7:30 am: horror time thepull_mods October 28 2010, 19:33:47 UTC
This time is more geared towards teens and adults who want more of a scare. The focus is now on the upper two floors and advertisements for prizes that go to people who make it through the top floor without being scared (complete with pulse check!) are posted up. The staff is more creepy and wears scarier and more realistic costumes, such as zombies and murder victims.


axemeaquestion October 29 2010, 21:53:36 UTC
Even with the reasons she came up with the other day, Rochelle still wasn't sure why she was doing this. She'd had her fill of blood and gore and even if it wasn't a daily occurence anymore, it still happened at night.

Maybe she just wanted to see what would happen if she tried this.

Walking in now, she wondered if her usual somewhat cynical self would be even moreso at this stuff.

Well, who knew?


painhumbles October 30 2010, 19:15:07 UTC
Amateur. The whole thing. Honestly, Gabriel could come up with something a hell of a lot more believable in his sleep without even trying that hard. There were a lot bigger things in this place than a stupid haunted house, but, hey, the first rule of great drama is start small and build. And if anything, it was good for a lark or something.

While the place, itself, might not be as scary as advertised, things that are creepy as hell are the fact that, well... Angels have no concept of personal space. And tend to just appear places.

So where there wasn't anyone behind Rochelle, there was now 5'7 worth of archangel, looking moderately bored by the whole thing. "Yep. Definitely seen better."


OHAI also I'm clearly the master of html axemeaquestion October 30 2010, 20:39:22 UTC
Well holy shit.

Rochelle jumped and looked over her shoulder. Not like this place was worth getting jumpy over, but when some guy is just suddenly BEHIND you... yeah. Her newly found reflexes from fighting truck-sized zombies made of muscle back home hadn't help either.

"Sweet lincoln's mullet..." She murmured as she put a hand over her chest and let a breath out. Regardless of that unusual euphemism, she cocked an eyebrow in that direction. "This place is definately not worth getting jumpy over, but you scared the crap out of me."

She recognized his voice, too... "Gabriel, right?"


NOT STALKING. REALLY. >.> painhumbles November 1 2010, 07:10:57 UTC
"I'll have to remember that one," Gabriel said, without even the slightest hint of shock or apology at Rochelle's reaction. "And I can't say I didn't warn you."

He waved his hand in a vaguely flamboyant bow. "Guilty as charged. Toldja I'd stop by. So far, so psychopaths, but, uh... Night's still young."

Spoken like someone who happened to have already traversed much of this place... Which he had. He kinda avoided the pulse-check, because he had an unfair disadvantage- that whole metabolism thing did a number on his vessel's heart rate, the damned thing.


BB DON'T EVEN WORRY ABOUT IT axemeaquestion November 1 2010, 07:14:00 UTC
Considering their last conversations, Rochelle had a feeling she wouldn't be expecting anything like that from him anyway.

"So you did." She smirked. "Fake psychopaths or real ones?"


painhumbles November 2 2010, 19:34:03 UTC
"The real ones. Plenty of fake, but, uh, I think unless I have an allergy to plastic knives and corn syrup no one thought to tell me about? I'm good." Gabriel sauntered forwards a bit and then spun on his heels, looking smugly satisfied.

"How's that grain of salt now?" Yes, yes, he's very impressive. Arrogance, thy name is Gabriel.


axemeaquestion November 2 2010, 19:38:49 UTC
Rochelle raised her eyebrow with a small grin. "Guess that's good."

"It's... doin'?" SHE NOTICES.


painhumbles November 3 2010, 06:03:34 UTC
Gabriel rolled his eyes. "I don't know where you're from, but those flight patterns look damn spiffy to the average human, but, okay. I get it. Teleporting's not the most impressive thing in the world."

Some guy in a mask, wielding an aforementioned plastic knife covered in corn syrup apparently decided to speed some things up around here and burst out of a nearby door with a laugh that was... Supposed to be maniacal and really just sounded cheap.

Gabriel rolled his eyes, caught the guy by his knife wrist and twisted him down, which was impressive, considering the guy had about half a foot on Gabriel. "D'you mind? The adults are having a conversation." He gave a little wave and then waved a hand in the poor bastard's face, causing him to vanish... He'd be fine. There'd just be... One masked idiot out on the street, probably pissing himself.

Gabriel jerked his thumb in the direction where the guy had been. "I didn't plan that, by the way, but I'll give the guy one thing. His timing's great."


axemeaquestion November 3 2010, 06:17:12 UTC
"Wait--you what, now?"

Okay, Rochelle might have understood him wrong, there. Also didn't noticed the teleporting, just assumed he was very quiet. Or something.

... Aaaaaaaaaaaand then the guy wih the knife showed up and that happened, and Rochelle just blinked and stared.

"... Okay, whoa."


painhumbles November 3 2010, 07:31:28 UTC
Yeah. He gets that a lot. It comes from being... Well, a big prancing show-off when it came down to the wire. And, okay, maybe it was a little hokey, but whatever. Not his fault Jason Vorhees decided now was a good time to get involved in the conversation.

He caught onto the confusion and sort of looked halfway puzzled for a moment and just exhaled. Right. Let's back this up. "I guess now would be a good time to go, 'oh, I have superpowers, huh?'"

Yeah. Smooth, Gabriel. So smooth.


axemeaquestion November 3 2010, 20:14:46 UTC
Paaaaause. Ro wasn't any stranger to the word "weird", but okay, maybe she believed him a little bit now.

"... Yeah, you might have skipped that part during introductions."


painhumbles November 4 2010, 08:13:49 UTC
"Guess this is the part where I go... Yes, I'm that Gabriel. The one with the horn. That should, uh, explain things, hm?"

And if that wasn't clear enough, he exhales and adds with a nonchalant little shrug and a little smirk, like this is somehow funny and not REALLY FRIGGIN' WEIRD. "Archangel. Y'know how it goes."

....Yeah. Most people totally know 'how it goes' when it comes to archangels. In Gabriel's defense, the last time he talked to a real woman, she stabbed him for being a liar. And he'd never been a social genius when it came to humans anyway.


axemeaquestion November 4 2010, 16:23:25 UTC

"... Yeah, I wasn't going to make the 'archangel' connection until you mentioned it."


"Well, uh. Holy shit."


painhumbles November 5 2010, 07:57:58 UTC
"What can I say?" He tugged at the collar of his shirt. "This holds up as a pretty good disguise. I'd say I was incognito, but that hasn't been true for, oh... The last few months."

Yeah, it's okay, Rochelle. It's a lot to take in.

"I get that one a lot too," he shrugged. "This is the part where I should put up the standard disclaimer about how I'm not here to tell you that you're going to give birth to the next Messiah or any of that crap?"


same icon forever because I'm lazy axemeaquestion November 5 2010, 16:35:46 UTC
"A-Aren't you supposed to have wings or something, or is that part of the incognito?"

Rochelle really wasn't sure why she was believing this--oh right, because about a million kinds of weird shit happened daily around here. And she was the one coming from a zombie apocalypse. That said, it was obvious this was a lot she was trying to take in.

"Uh... oh. Oh. Well, thank god. You scared me for a second. I wasn't planning on any virgin births for a long time."


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