Who: everyone~
When: October 28th and 29th, 3 pm until 7:30 am each day
Haunted House in Sector 4Summary: A neutral group sets up a fun haunted house that goes terribly awry on the second day!
Warnings: Probably gore/violence in the second night's thread. Please let a mod know if there's anything specific to warn for.
The Haunted House is set in a four-story apartment building, with the lobby area set up as an entranceway and the place to pay for tickets. When you pay for a ticket, you will have your hand stamped with a stamp that will last for the day, and you are free to enter.
The first and second floor are dedicated to more family-friendly haunted house staples - ghosts created by hologram that can be walked through, people in zombie costumes and vampire costumes, props set up with tombstones, spiders projected on things - really, the usual.
The third floor is set up as quite similar to the first and second floors, but with a lot more blood streaks everywhere, and with a low ceiling. Several volunteers inside the ceiling will drop moving spiders on passing people, or gory and very realistic body parts. People with abilities walk around in this area - one of them has the ability to make projected and holographic props feel real, another can move through walls and other obstacles in order to jump out more readily, and there are a few others.
The fourth floor is aimed at truly hardcore horror freaks, and features much more realistic props - it has many of the features of the third floor, but is more a death house than a haunted house, with torture devices set up and a layout that's extremely mazelike. The walls and floors are smudged and filthy, looking almost like Darkness, and various things like pits of needles and sanitarium beds with scalpels set up in corners. This level has a few quick regenerators who actually get into the torture devices and allow themselves to be hurt - real horror at its finest. The layout of the maze changes nearly constantly by a few people with telekinetic and matter-manipulating abilities.
It's pretty harmless, really, and a pretty stoic person could get through it without much trouble, and even win a gift certificate if they get through it early enough.
However, on the second night, someone sneaks in on staff that isn't meant to be there...