Who: everyone~
When: October 28, from 1 pm until 7:30 pm, when evening sirens go off
Crow's Head BeachSummary: A large bonfire is held by unknown neutral benefactors. Bring your own hot dogs and s'mores ingredients! Just a general fun time, advertised by flyers in the early part of the day.
Warnings: TBA, alert a mod if a warning needs to be added
Crow's Head Beach, usually a relatively desolate place, has been cleaned up a bit, the sand swept and undue crow droppings removed from the area. In the center of the beach, a large bonfire pit has been set up, a large amount of driftwood has been piled up to the side of the pit for firewood, and someone has whittled a whole ton of hot dog and marshmallow roasting sticks out of driftwood - these are stuck in the sand near the side of the fire, pointy sides up. There are several large empty picnic tables for eating at or putting potluck style food out on set up nearby and someone has deposited a bunch of chairs that look like cast-offs from various convention centers, schools, or thrift stores. On a bare patch of sand off to the side, a volleyball net has been set up, another item that looks like a secondhand castoff. The entire setup looks as if someone's gotten supplies they don't mind losing, on a tight budget, but really wanted attendees to have fun.
The fire is burning merrily, relatively big, but not unmanageable. The beach is mostly empty right now, but people are trickling in a few at a time...