boys and girls of every age

Oct 28, 2010 12:31

Who: everyone~
When: October 28th and 29th, 3 pm until 7:30 am each day
Where: Haunted House in Sector 4
Summary: A neutral group sets up a fun haunted house that goes terribly awry on the second day!
Warnings: Probably gore/violence in the second night's thread. Please let a mod know if there's anything specific to warn for.

wouldn't you like to see something strange? )

*event, gaara, *open log, aoyagi ritsuka, gabriel/the trickster, rochelle, sai, triela

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Comments 107

October 28th, 3:00 pm to 7:30 pm: family friendly time thepull_mods October 28 2010, 19:33:11 UTC
This time is set aside for parents who want to go through the first couple of floors with their kids, or for people who aren't into the heavier horror stuff. The upper floors are accessible, but it's definitely geared more at families and younger people - staff hands out little bags of candy and cheap plastic masks for kids to wear, and everyone smiles, and costumes are more witches and ghosts than truly scary.


October 28th, 7:30 pm to 7:30 am: horror time thepull_mods October 28 2010, 19:33:47 UTC
This time is more geared towards teens and adults who want more of a scare. The focus is now on the upper two floors and advertisements for prizes that go to people who make it through the top floor without being scared (complete with pulse check!) are posted up. The staff is more creepy and wears scarier and more realistic costumes, such as zombies and murder victims.


axemeaquestion October 29 2010, 21:53:36 UTC
Even with the reasons she came up with the other day, Rochelle still wasn't sure why she was doing this. She'd had her fill of blood and gore and even if it wasn't a daily occurence anymore, it still happened at night.

Maybe she just wanted to see what would happen if she tried this.

Walking in now, she wondered if her usual somewhat cynical self would be even moreso at this stuff.

Well, who knew?


painhumbles October 30 2010, 19:15:07 UTC
Amateur. The whole thing. Honestly, Gabriel could come up with something a hell of a lot more believable in his sleep without even trying that hard. There were a lot bigger things in this place than a stupid haunted house, but, hey, the first rule of great drama is start small and build. And if anything, it was good for a lark or something.

While the place, itself, might not be as scary as advertised, things that are creepy as hell are the fact that, well... Angels have no concept of personal space. And tend to just appear places.

So where there wasn't anyone behind Rochelle, there was now 5'7 worth of archangel, looking moderately bored by the whole thing. "Yep. Definitely seen better."


OHAI also I'm clearly the master of html axemeaquestion October 30 2010, 20:39:22 UTC
Well holy shit.

Rochelle jumped and looked over her shoulder. Not like this place was worth getting jumpy over, but when some guy is just suddenly BEHIND you... yeah. Her newly found reflexes from fighting truck-sized zombies made of muscle back home hadn't help either.

"Sweet lincoln's mullet..." She murmured as she put a hand over her chest and let a breath out. Regardless of that unusual euphemism, she cocked an eyebrow in that direction. "This place is definately not worth getting jumpy over, but you scared the crap out of me."

She recognized his voice, too... "Gabriel, right?"


October 29th, 3:00 pm to 7:30 pm: family friendly time thepull_mods October 28 2010, 19:34:14 UTC
This time is set aside for parents who want to go through the first couple of floors with their kids, or for people who aren't into the heavier horror stuff. The upper floors are accessible, but it's definitely geared more at families and younger people - staff hands out little bags of candy and cheap plastic masks for kids to wear, and everyone smiles, and costumes are more witches and ghosts than truly scary.


October 29th, 7:30 pm to 7:30 am: ILLUSIONIST ATTACK thepull_mods October 28 2010, 19:34:44 UTC
This was intended to be very similar to the previous night's horror time, and it does start out that way. However, at around 9:00 pm, things start to get ugly. A powerful illusionist has found her way into the upper area of the building, and has started projecting her own terrors into the house.

These illusionist attacks will affect anyone who doesn't have a strong natural resistance to psychics, and will be particularly devastating to weak-willed characters, or characters with unguarded psychic abilities. Her illusions will project a personification of a character's worst fear - be creative with this. The illusionist cannot project a character's memories, but a visible manifestation of that character's fear. Something like a fear of being alone could manifest for a character as the house disappearing, leaving them in the middle of a barren wasteland. Something like a fear of a friend dying might manifest as that friend's dead body among the props in the house. Again, be creative with this, do what would scare your character the most


little_bandages October 30 2010, 06:05:59 UTC
It was Ritsuka's first time in a haunted house, and he wasn't really impressed with it so far. It was a little bit fun to see the props and the fake-scary stuff, but Ritsuka was just too mature and skeptical to really be effected by it - even the chopped up people just made him grimace and flatten his ears. "Ew," Ritsuka said, pointing to someone on a torture rack, "That seems really unnecessary." Still, it was the first time in ages he'd had a little time with Triela to just hang out, so he was enjoying it, glancing over to his friend every now and again to see how she was reacting.


snuffdoll October 30 2010, 06:18:16 UTC
Triela's first time, too - and really, she'd seen gorier. There was a raising of eyebrows and a similarly unimpressed stare, at the torture rack; it didn't even bring much of a grimace out of her. "They can't be serious," she said dryly. "Like a third of that torture junk they say was used again is pretty fabricated anyway. Do people really buy this?"

Regardless, she did share the sentiment; it was nice to take a while off and relax with Ritsuka. -And really, she thought, it wasn't that hard to relax when this was apparently the city's idea of scary.

"I hear people mainly like the rush of adrenaline, from horror movies and stuff like this. I don't know, maybe we're boring, huh?"


little_bandages October 30 2010, 07:33:56 UTC
"Or maybe we're extra mature," Ritsuka supplied. They turned a corner, and again the labyrinth-like haunted house had changed. Around one corner, Ritsuka saw some words written on a blank wall in shoddy fake blood. The shade was wrong and the corn syrup was runny, but it still made him feel a little sick to his stomach.

What didn't make sense about it is he stepped toward it. Because the words read Ritsuka, I'm back.

"How did they... we didn't have to give our names to go in, did we?" Ritsuka turned to Triela.


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