Move II // Video

Apr 11, 2010 10:03

[He's only wearing his red shirt and pants, the rest of his suit discarded in a corner and forgotten. For a shabby apartment, he doesn't think he's slept so late or so soundly before. For those who just met him, he probably looks refreshed. To those who had known him for a long time, he probably just looks a little less fatigued than before. Now that he's back in a normal flow of time, his body is catching up to him and it's Not Happy.

But we're going to ignore that for now. Battler's main concern right now is food. And clothes. He needs clothes. If we're going win us a girlfriend or two or three, we can't very well be wearing the same outfit day after day. But to obtain such necessities, that takes money and getting money takes work. He had found some yen in his wallet, a wallet that he had completely forgotten he even had. His NV had been shut off at the time, otherwise all of Siren's Port would have been treated to Battler laughing in near hysteria. But that's a part of him he wants no one to see, especially her, so he gives his NV his usual boyish grin.]

A job. I guess that is everyone's main concern here. Is it difficult to get one? I'm not all that picky, really, so long as I can get some money. Uh... do I just walk in and ask for one? I'm not too sure about the process involved obtaining a position somewhere.

[Back home, it's expected that Battler would take over his father's company and should set up an internship after graduation. Except Battler has never had an interest in succeeding his father. In fact, Battler's issue is not due to his family scuba-diving in money, but because he was such a slacker in high school and never had a concern for what was happening beyond the upcoming weekend.]

I know it takes skills to get a job. I'm not all that book smart, but I'm pretty strong so I guess physical labor wouldn't be too bad. Oh, and I've been told I'm good with children.

Sorry for rambling. Anyway, if anyone has any advice or suggestions, I'd very much appreciate it, thank you.

[What butterfly?]

!: ushriomiya battler, c: replica riku, c: riku, †: mitsuru kirijo

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