Kira 006. Tell me, Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?

Apr 11, 2010 18:55

[It is 7.51pm. As before, this audio message comes with a white screen, and in Old English font reads the word 'Kira'. Don't bother trying to trace it; the message is triggered on a random timer, posted from a stolen NV and hacks into random NVs temporarily to create an untraceable line, jumping from one to another.

The screen flickers several times before a solid connection is established, and then a twisted, mechanical voice speaks through the computer. Go ahead and try and resequence the audio into resembling a normal voice -- the more you try to untangle it, the more unstructured the sound will become.

There is something a little more convincing about this message, if you have no block against psychic ability. Not much, just a touch of 'go on, it makes sense'. Light's ability kicking in.

If your NV is on you'll hear the message. It doesn't matter if you haven't pressed play, it just runs.]

This is Kira.

There was much to say last time. This time, however, there seems to be little need to explain everything. You are not children; it is quite possible for even the newest among you to see the corruption and filth in the city around us. The city which we, unlike those who live here, have no choice but to remain in. At the island's edges, an indefinable pull draws us in. The further away we go, the more painful it becomes. Yet the dockworkers seem to have no problem going about their daily lives. We are like animals here, confined to a cage. Do we have no rights concerning the environment we live in?

Let us not forget the mess that followed the 'honesty' of some weeks ago. The crushing of a frightened man who could not leave, for an ability he could not seem to control. This failure - this lack of humanity - was only a sign of the corruption around us. A number of police officers and civilians were killed throughout the incident -- where is the enquiry regarding whether or not such deaths were necessary, or whether there is someone to blame for such gross misconduct? We all walk freely without conscience, despite someone having died so that we may continue to lie as we please. Do we sit back and watch history repeat itself now?

A murderer, then, preying on us -- you could call it 'shooting fish in a barrel' if you were feeling generous. We cannot leave; cannot escape, cannot obey the commands of the graffiti meant to frighten us from their territory. We have nowhere to go but to run frightened in circles, chasing our tails, or else turn our teeth on the aggressors and drive them back. It can be seen in the response of newcomers already: anger, outrage, resentment. The beginnings of a revolutionary movement that will no doubt end in bloodshed. The mob mind gathers strength slowly, which is why it is so difficult to stop once it gains momentum. Them and us. You may say as honestly as you can that it is not what you want, and that it will not happen, but just like the minds of every mob that comes before you, you will follow the same path. The expression follows: the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

The police force; an organisation dedicated to your safety and welfare, which is supposed to be focused on catching the bad guys and putting them away. It takes the vast, political power of a business to drive them to capture the real murderer behind the attacks on newcomers, and yet still there is no progress on that front. AGI -- and where, what sign of SERO is there?

Let us examine those captured.

[The sound of Kira's voice is replaced with the newsreader; a woman's voice.]

"The three ring leaders are now serving a stint in police jail following their arrest, their names Andre Garcia, Michael Baptista, and Jonathan Stint, their previous criminal activities include prior theft, mutilation, property damage, arson, and disturbance of the peace, just to name a few."

[Kira returns.]

Mutilation? Are so many of you from places where mutilation is a crime often heard about on the news, and often punished with such a lacklustre response? The term did not even go before a proper judge; they were merely returned to jail. People like this are incapable of learning how to behave like useful members of society; their humanity has been coroded. Inevitably, it would be better for humanity as a whole if they were merely put out of their misery.

Let us not forget David Campbell, who killed more than fifty innocent people in his pursuit of a bounty. One death is accidental; fifty is not. Fifty dead people does not warrant house arrest. This man deserves nothing less than he gets -- a short stint for manslaughter is unacceptable considering the people who have had their lives stolen by this man. Quite simple, he should have his life taken from him, as he has taken the lives of others.

There is the question of the Jonathan Riggs slave auction. With so much excitement regarding the murders, you may have missed this snippet: Humanoid female, light blue skin with brown and yellow spots, blue hair. Expecting triplets. Sold as wholesale. Charming, isn't it? Not only the life of one, but the unborn lives of her innocent children -- born into slavery. This time, I do not seek the death of those responsible. Not yet. Expose them for what they are; find the man behind Jonathan Riggs so that he may be named, shamed and punished. This is unacceptable; no longer should this be a world in which there is a price on freedom

And finally -- Deneuve and Eraldo Coil. Are we to collect the entire set?

Please take care in the coming fortnight. There is no doubt that this murderer will make a mistake -- be watching for it, but do not become it. Do your very best to remain level headed until the threat has passed, as it inevitably will. I will be watching.

[As always, there is no 'reply to' address.]

†: yagami raito, †: kira

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