
Apr 11, 2010 15:40

[Private to: Sam, Doc Kurosaki, Doc Orpheus, Zelda, Claudio, Kenny, Bucky, Abel*]

So. Weather's getting better. Means, I'm getting antsy. Night patrols are all well and good and stuff. But, and this is the big thing, I feel the need for a barbecue.

I was thinking of buying a grill and holding one of the roof. Landlord says he's cool with it, as long as we keep the noise down, and we clean up our mess.

But, here's the kicker: I cannot cook. No. I REALLY cannot cook. It's a horrible thing to let me cook.

So, I figure I can supply the meat, and the grill, and the charcoal, and the rest of you guys bring chips, drinks and salads, and someone that isn't me mans the grill, we'd have a party type thing. Say next Sunday? Or maybe the week after?

Hell, invite other people. Just, I need a barbecue. Who's in?

[*OOC: If I forgot someone with CR with Jubes, prod me, and assume they're included. Mun is full of fail.]

†: abel, !: jubilee, c: dr. byron orpheus, †: zelda, c: kenpachi zaraki, †: kurosaki isshin

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