Explosion ☢ 001 [video]

Apr 11, 2010 15:35

[Ready to be dizzy? Okay, good, because Haggard is playing with this fancy new phone, moving it around fast, the video is shaky as he tries to figure out how to work it. Not even entirely aware he turned on the video function until--oh.

Okay, it looks like this doohickey is doing something now.]

Hey, uh... this thing recordin' now?

[Looks like it's doing something at least... He moves it so it's focused on his face instead of everywhere but.]

Okay so... [He brings up a hand to scratch his cheek.] Uh, anyone know where I am? I'm supposed t'be... I think I was in, uh, what country was it again? Europe. Yeah, that's it. Europe. We were dealin' with some Russkies n'now I'm on some... baseball diamond. Yeah. Dunno how that happened, but...

[And just to show you where he's at, he's moving the camera around again before focusing it back on his face.] See? Ain't that somethin'... Didn't think Russkies were into baseball. Anyway, uh...

Sweets, Sarge, Prez--any of you guys out there?

Tried to contact Miss July, but my headset ain't workin'. Got any idea why?

†: haggard, †: abel, †: big boss, †: ellis

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