this weekend in chicago was SO beautiful, i can't even tell you. saturday was for checking out the set of the new batman movie that's filming in chicago (yes. you heard right. christian bale. heath ledger. in chicago. for batman. please put your underwear back on, ladies.), and sunday was for baseball games, hot wings, and beer. yay
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maybe this is a windows thing, or maybe it's a new version of firefox thing, but the whole "little red line under words that are not in the very limited computer/internet dictionary" thing is really throwing me off
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i've decided that i need more than one all-purpose dress. as of this second, i own ONE, and it is black, and while i love it to pieces, i think i need another one - just to mix it up a bit.
i thought about participating in NaNoWriMo, but then i remember that i haven't sat down and "written" anything cohesive and not about my own sex life (or lack thereof) since junior high. although i feel like it must be known that in junior high i wrote a book. it was undeniably shitty and was modeled after some books that i used to read at the time
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