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Comments 2016

686 EBULLIENT PRISM part I mechaphilia June 30 2010, 10:20:53 UTC
Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Vic
OOC Journal: mechaphilia
Under 18? No
Email/IM: sliversofjade[at]gmail[dot]com // vicious hallway
Characters Played at Singularity: None

Character Information ;
Name: 686 Ebullient Prism
Canon/AU/Original: Halo: Blood Line
Reference: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/686_Ebullient_Prism
Canon Point: Post destruction.
So approximately 9000 million years ago we had some hyper-advanced alien race who had an unfortunate encounter with Sentient Space AIDS. They left their tech all over the galaxy and yadda yadda and were then wiped out by the aforementioned plague of space zombies ( ... )


686 EBULLIENT PRISM part II mechaphilia June 30 2010, 10:21:54 UTC
686 Ebullient Prism is... well, he's a creeper ( ... )


686 EBULLIENT PRISM part III mechaphilia June 30 2010, 10:22:38 UTC
Typically a Monitor with a glowing red optic somewhere between beach ball and basketball sized. Prism's design is slightly different from that of the Monitors encountered in the Halo video games, as he is boxier and has a different design on his 'face.' His optic also has a different pattern from that of most other Monitors, given that they have the Marathon symbol while he does not.

Somewhere around 102,552. Give or take a few decades/centuries.

OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across?
If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test?
And What Did You Score?

Samples ;
Log Sample:
[ connection to facility systems OFFLINE ]686 Ebullient Prism cycled through his connections for the thirtieth time, constantly tweaking and retrying various settings in an attempt to make some sort of contact with his other systems. Each, rather predictably, failed. He did this as he floated down the hallway, his attention split equally between attempting to ( ... )


686 EBULLIENT PRISM part IV mechaphilia June 30 2010, 10:23:03 UTC
Network Sample:

[ The voice is cheerful, almost sickeningly so, and quite doggedly calm and upbeat despite the threats of violence. ]

I am 686 Ebullient Prism, Monitor of Line Installation 1-4! My primary function is to collect and inspect any and all specimens captured within my sector for evidence of immunity to infestation by the flood.

I must inform you all that protocol does not allow for unauthorized removal and relocation of facility equipment. Tampering with facility equipment such as myself is grounds for immediate termination. If I am not returned to my facility I will be forced to take offensive measures.


Delta (1) alaspooryork July 4 2010, 14:54:55 UTC
Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Anarin
OOC Journal: starlit_dragon
Under 18? Nope
Email/IM: anarin[at]gmail[dot]com ; Zeteram (on AIM)
Characters Played at Singularity: None

Character Information ;
Name: Intelligence Program Delta

Canon/AU/Original: AU (Red vs. Blue from these logs).

Reference: Here is his wiki page; here is one on AI in the Haloverse.

Canon Point: Post-Out of Mind; post-second log linked above.

Setting: It is the middle of the 26th century. Humankind, once spread out over many successful worlds by faster-than-light Slipspace travel, came under an attack by an alien Covenant of races whose religion declares their very existence anathema. The Covenant was better organized, better equipped, and far larger in population than the humans, and we have been losing the war world by world for nearly three decades. The United Nations Space Command, or UNSC, has been trying desperate strategy after desperate strategy to get some kind of advantage, but few have ever shown any successful results. As the aliens spread their reach ( ... )


Delta (2) alaspooryork July 4 2010, 14:57:01 UTC
Personality: Delta is logical. The entire purpose of his creation was to separate the logic from the emotional centers of the original AI so it would not realize what was occurring as it split. So, while he is not pure logic as a "dumb" AI might be, he is unfamiliar with and at times uncomfortable around strong human emotions. As clearly shown in the last episode of Out of Mind, he is strongly attached to his partner; even when given an opportunity to work with the top-rated Agent in the field, he prefers to stay with York and be deleted rather than let him die alone and in pain. This decision is noted as kind by Tex, to which Delta responds "It's just part of what makes us human" - ironic, of course, as he had earlier noted the human perspective as flawed, yet he recognizes the tendency to react emotionally in severe circumstances within himself as well. Another example of this trend is noted later in canon, when he remarks to Church that, once part of the Meta, he may not want to help Church and his allies anymore ( ... )


Delta (3) alaspooryork July 4 2010, 14:58:51 UTC
He cannot transmit himself over radio waves like Omega or Alpha, however, so he must have some kind of interface with a system to manipulate it (such as through York's armor). Delta is highly vulnerable to EMP and physical damage to his chip, and if York's armor shuts down he will return to an "asleep", encrypted state until recovered. He is also "weak" in another sense: being a creature of logic, Delta rarely understands the nuances of human society or conversation. He frequently asks for clarification from York regarding irrational human behavior. Lastly, he is forced by his programming to obey override commands issued by someone of sufficient UNSC rank. While York's commands take precedence over other Freelancers, there are others including the Director whose commands will override York's.

Inventory: His entire physical form is one business card-sized AI chip. It has a miniature holographic tank for small-scale projection.

Appearance: See picture linked under "Inventory". Delta is also capable of projecting a ( ... )


Delta (4) alaspooryork July 4 2010, 14:59:17 UTC

Samples ;
Log Sample:
It was beginning to seem as though they would not, in fact, have enough time to reach the teleporter before the dinosaur would catch up to them.

"Bear left," he advised York, his holographic form "running" in the air to keep pace with him. It was not necessary to do so, but long ago Delta had found that it was easier for York to accept a running form than a stationary one - it made him think of Delta as more "real" somehow. And as it took minimal effort to sustain, Delta was more than happy to comply.

Taking a left led them through an area of forest where the trees were closer together, hopefully impeding the progress of the Allosaurus amplexus following them. Still, it was a temporary solution at best, and it was not leading them any closer to a teleportation device. Delta ran a quick but detailed analysis of the map of this garden section, hoping to find a landmark or other means of gaining the advantage over the dinosaur. Finally, he seized upon a useful-looking ravine ( ... )


Agent New York [1] lewdness July 5 2010, 21:03:17 UTC
Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Chii
OOC Journal: lewdness
Under 18? No.
Email/IM: Chii is a pedo // bubbled.teas @ gmail dot com
Characters Played at Singularity: None

Character Information ;
Name: York
Canon/AU/Original: AU; a spin on a “what if” York had survived being shot by Wyoming in OoM 5.
Reference: http://rvb.wikia.com/wiki/York
Canon Point: After being shot in OOM.

Halo/RVB is an extension of the question “what’s really out there?” Years in the future, humans and alien races do end up meeting and the result of this is the start of a war that nearly eliminates the human’s presence in the galaxy. Faced with destruction, different groups of people started different programs to try and combat the fact that without some way to fight back against the Covenant, they would all surely die. In RVB, Leonard Church is given the ability to have free reign over his own project, labeled Project Freelancer. The problem with giving someone free reign over their own ( ... )


Agent New York [2] lewdness July 5 2010, 21:03:43 UTC

From what little is seen of York in the episodes he's in, there are a few obvious conclusions to draw about him as a person ( ... )


Agent New York [3] lewdness July 5 2010, 21:04:06 UTC

Much like Tex, one of the first questions that York brings up when asked to help Tex get in somewhere to find Omega is “What’s in it for me.” And instead of any kind of monetary reimbursement, it’s very much the idea of payback that gets him interested. In the past, Omega-Texas had somehow (in a way that wasn’t ever really explained) injured his left eye, which left York at a disadvantage on that side. Delta watches it for him, of course, but there’s still possibly some lingering resentment over this fact. York notes that it’s “still blurry, hurts when I read,” when Tex asks how his eye is doing.  The thing about it, is, however, that Tex asks him to help get her in to where she needs to be. She doesn't ask him to help back her up, to stake the place out, to basically go back to doing Freelancer-ish things, save for picking that one lone lock. It's York that slips into the rhythm of it once more, it seems, defaulting to her when it comes to all of this, slipping back into the kind of Freelancer mentality, where they function as a ( ... )


Agent New York [4] lewdness July 5 2010, 21:04:37 UTC


MJOLNIR Mark VI armor + healing agent, a Magnum, an AI chip that holds Delta.


In canon, York’s armor is Mark VI MJOLNIR armor, in a tannish/yellowish color. It’s typical MJOLNIR armor- not as badass as Spartan armor, but still decent, all things considered.

His PB is Gerard Butler, however. He stands at about 6’2, and is decently in shape- not as much as back in the Freelancer days, because he hasn’t had as much reason to be that active, but he does keep himself taken care of. He’s a little scruffy from spending so much time in the armor, though that’s not to say he doesn’t take care of himself at least a little.



AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across?He’s not terribly different from how he is in the series. The logs that were done weren’t personality-changing, nor did they take place over terribly long periods of time. York still has a soft spot for AI, still would do anything to help Delta. The main difference is he’s much more ( ... )


AGENT MAINE (THE META), PART 1/5 griefer July 8 2010, 14:50:04 UTC
Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Chelsey.
OOC Journal: griefer.
Under 18? No.
Email/IM: bargateprison@gmail.com/big zombie boss.
Characters Played at Singularity: N/A.

Character Information ;
Name: Agent Maine/The Meta.
Canon/AU/Original: Red vs. Blue, AU. I should also note that the Wash apping will be from this same AU.
Reference: Red vs. Blue Wiki.
Canon Point: Revelation: Chapter 11.
UHHH. Well.

Our charming tale begins in a box canyon far, far away from here. The Blues have just been supplied with a brand new sparkling tank -- okay, no, I'm just fucking with you. Red vs. Blue kind of serves as an alternate universe to Halo. While it does seem to vaguely follow the Halo storyline, it doesn't entirely depend on it. Meaning, yeah, Master Chief, the Covenant, SPARTANs, all seem to exist in the Red vs. Blue world, even if we never actively see them in action or hear anything about them in great detail.

The main settings in Red vs. Blue are pretty average; it's shit you'd see anywhere on Earth. Canyons, deserts, concrete and ( ... )


AGENT MAINE (THE META), PART 2/5 griefer July 8 2010, 14:50:45 UTC
“Well, the prodigal son returns! Agent Maine, you've caused quite a few problems for us. You will not be leaving this time.” Dr. Leonard Church. Red vs. Blue: Reconstruction, Chapter 19.

The Meta is, essentially, Red vs. Blue's Final Boss. He's the show's flashing "YOU ARE DEAD, GAME OVER" screen, the finale at the end of the circus, the hulking shape you most definitely do not want to run into in a dead-end alley on a dark and stormy night. If he hasn't killed you, or attempted to kill you, or given you a look like he wants to kill you, there's a good chance that he just hasn't gotten to you yet and that you're really better off not getting your hopes up ( ... )


AGENT MAINE (THE META), PART 3/5 griefer July 8 2010, 14:52:40 UTC
Not that you should feel sorry for him, or sit around boohooing it up. Whether he did what he did willingly, or whether he was manipulated into it, it doesn't really matter. He is still knocking off the friends, the freelancers, the people he used to work beside, like they're parasites that need to be stamped out, like they're not familiar to him at all. Like he doesn't even know who the fuck they are.

And maybe he doesn't. Maybe he barely remembers. Either way, it doesn't change what he's done, and what he's still willing to do when it comes to retrieving the AI fragments, when someone -- past friend, old friend, family, whatever -- is standing in his way, refusing to move. He'll plow right through you, and move the fuck on.

It would also be fair to assume that the Meta and Maine are two entirely separate entities. While Maine is most definitely the Meta, the Meta isn't necessarily Maine. The Meta is what's left of Maine, what's become of him after his mind's been squeezed through the AI wringer. And while the Meta will respond to ( ... )


AGENT MAINE (THE META), PART 4/5 griefer July 8 2010, 14:53:29 UTC
Inventory: Modified EVA Armor, Brute Shot, and a M6G Magnum Sidearm, no extra clips.

The Meta wears a modified version of the EVA Armor; its colors are primarily stark white with brown detailing, though he's in possession of an armor enhancement that allows him to shift armor colors at will. He's noted as being a pretty big guy, so he's most likely well over 6', with the MJOLNIR boosting his height a few inches.

I'm going to say he's about 6'4" - 6'5" out of armor, maybe a little taller with it on, knocking him up closer to SPARTAN height, and I'll be using Ryan Reynolds as his PB, because that's what I've been using and I am far too lazy to look for someone else. HATERS P ALIGN LEFT.

Age: YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE. I'd stage him as being in his late twenties, early thirties. But -- really? No idea. I'm just assuming most of the Project Freelancer kids are within the same age group.

OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across?
The main, notable difference ( ... )


LAIN IWAKURA 1/5 demotivate July 9 2010, 02:14:54 UTC
Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Mote
OOC Journal: demotivate
Under 18? nein
Email/IM: AIM: Piloten Wie Wir
Characters Played at Singularity: Lev (NPC)

Character Information ;
Name: Lain Iwakura
Canon/AU/Original: Serial Experiments Lain (canon)
Reference: TOW article
Canon Point: Layer 08


LAIN IWAKURA 2/5 demotivate July 9 2010, 02:15:59 UTC
Setting:Lain comes from a five-seconds-into-the-future, late-90s Tokyo much like the real one, but with a sort of cyberpunk/magical realist bent. In particular, by creating telecommunication networks which link the far corners of the globe, humanity is gradually turning into a vast neural network, replicating the processes of synaptical activity in the brain. Some theorize that this means humanity is headed for a kind of (wait for it) singularity, in which all human consciousness is linked and the breakdown between the real world and the Wired (a collective term for all telecommunication from phone and television to the internet) is complete ( ... )


LAIN IWAKURA 3/5 demotivate July 9 2010, 02:17:29 UTC

Lain is, at the outset, a chronically shy and developmentally stunted teenager. Though fourteen, she stands about a head shorter than most of her classmates, seems physically childlike, and still wanders around her house in bear pajamas. She can be tortuously withdrawn, failing to answer even direct questions, staring silently at her father for him to puzzle out her needs, or mumbling and stuttering her way out of confrontations. Basically, she becomes one of those people who are so terrified of engaging in human interaction that they come off rude or unsocialized, although she intends neither ( ... )


LAIN IWAKURA 4/5 demotivate July 9 2010, 02:18:22 UTC
Personality (cont'd):

Although she denies her loneliness and proudly forces Alice to witness what she's done to seek validation, the cracks are starting to form. Even from the onset of the series where it's clear that Lain sees, hears, and otherwise perceives things that others do not, her abrupt new internet habit isn't just a fateful turn in her development; it's a complete upheaval of self-identity. At this point in her arc, she doesn't know who she is or what she's capable of, and she is still some ways from being able to navigate it responsibly.

In a nutshell: it's like the internet hitting puberty.

While in person in the game, Lain remains a withdrawn, painfully shy little girl who seems much younger than her age; online, she is usually far more extroverted, as well as far more deliberate in getting what a given part of her wants.

Abilities and Weaknesses:The reality-bending ability to reshape history and the future according to her will doesn't get to stay, sadly. And because Lain derived much of her superhuman prowess from ( ... )


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