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AGENT MAINE (THE META), PART 1/5 griefer July 8 2010, 14:50:04 UTC
Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Chelsey.
OOC Journal: griefer.
Under 18? No.
Email/IM: bargateprison@gmail.com/big zombie boss.
Characters Played at Singularity: N/A.

Character Information ;
Name: Agent Maine/The Meta.
Canon/AU/Original: Red vs. Blue, AU. I should also note that the Wash apping will be from this same AU.
Reference: Red vs. Blue Wiki.
Canon Point: Revelation: Chapter 11.
UHHH. Well.

Our charming tale begins in a box canyon far, far away from here. The Blues have just been supplied with a brand new sparkling tank -- okay, no, I'm just fucking with you. Red vs. Blue kind of serves as an alternate universe to Halo. While it does seem to vaguely follow the Halo storyline, it doesn't entirely depend on it. Meaning, yeah, Master Chief, the Covenant, SPARTANs, all seem to exist in the Red vs. Blue world, even if we never actively see them in action or hear anything about them in great detail.

The main settings in Red vs. Blue are pretty average; it's shit you'd see anywhere on Earth. Canyons, deserts, concrete and steel facilities and bases, rivers, lakes, healthy green trees and grass, bright blue skies, et cetera, et cetera. The storyline follows a very "anti-war" ideal, wherein a SUPER TOP SECRET program is started during a time where humanity is losing the fight against a foreign, alien invader.

Project Freelancer installs a number of AI fragments, which have been broken off from the Big Bad Boss Alpha AI, into its specially trained soldiers, amping them up into the status of Super Soldier. It all goes to hell when they push it a little too far, driving some of their soldiers insane, and THEN ONE DAY, a former freelancer from that same agency breaks off from the program and begins collecting the AI fragments, storing them in his armor.

Blah, blah, blah, a guy named Church turns out to be the Alpha, the Director justifies his torturing of the Alpha by using the excuse of "WELL, IT WAS ME, SO IT DOESN'T COUNT," except no, you're a jackass, it totally does. I seriously have no idea what else to put here.

As for the AU I'm apping Maine in, I talk more about that down in the "AU justification" section below.


AGENT MAINE (THE META), PART 2/5 griefer July 8 2010, 14:50:45 UTC
“Well, the prodigal son returns! Agent Maine, you've caused quite a few problems for us. You will not be leaving this time.” Dr. Leonard Church. Red vs. Blue: Reconstruction, Chapter 19.

The Meta is, essentially, Red vs. Blue's Final Boss. He's the show's flashing "YOU ARE DEAD, GAME OVER" screen, the finale at the end of the circus, the hulking shape you most definitely do not want to run into in a dead-end alley on a dark and stormy night. If he hasn't killed you, or attempted to kill you, or given you a look like he wants to kill you, there's a good chance that he just hasn't gotten to you yet and that you're really better off not getting your hopes up.

You think I'm joking. But I'm not. At all. Maine is an ambitious little boy that aggressively goes after his hopes and dreams, and he is fifty different kinds of a-okay with breaking every bone in your body in order to get what he wants. His conscience, the shit in his brain that tells him "this is a bad thing you're doing, and you should feel bad," is more or less non-existent. He's not going to be tossing and turning in bed over anything he's done when he goes to sleep at night.

And that's assuming that he sleeps at all.

Maine is -- crazy. Point blank. He has been been stuffed full of AIs like a Thanksgiving turkey. It doesn't matter that they were forcibly removed from him when the EMP went off at the end of Reconstruction; he is still massively suffering from the disjointing, derailing impact they've had on his mind and sanity. Even now, every breath in his body is pushing him to collect the AI fragments, to piece them together until the Alpha's been recreated, rebuilt from the ground up. It's all he cares about. Period.

It's not necessarily a horrible, awful thing for him to care about, either. If his actions weren't as terribly extreme as they usually tend to be, his end game goal would even be kind of noble, some sort of weird, twisted AI justice. But Maine has been influenced and most likely manipulated by the AI fragments he's spent a good majority of his time with, and as a result, the line that separates human and AI has been significantly blurred.

We have no idea what he was like before he became exclusively known as the Meta. Referred to as the "prodigal son" by the Director, it's likely that he was a highly skilled agent even before he went nutters and turned into Red vs. Blue's version of a rogue SPARTAN. He's a wildcard, someone who would be nice to have on your side, but someone you probably don't want on your side regardless, because he's just as likely to kill you as he is anyone else.


He's not incapable of following orders. As of Revelation, the only person he will even vaguely listen to is Wash, and even then, he's usually carrying out the orders given to him somewhat reluctantly. We see flashes of who Maine was before the AIs every now and then, in the way he occasionally argues or disagrees with Wash, in the way he sometimes hesitates and pauses before doing something. Maine is under there somewhere, buried deep under layers of issues and broken pieces of thought and memory that he can't fix. The only problem is that he can't turn around, anymore.


AGENT MAINE (THE META), PART 3/5 griefer July 8 2010, 14:52:40 UTC
Not that you should feel sorry for him, or sit around boohooing it up. Whether he did what he did willingly, or whether he was manipulated into it, it doesn't really matter. He is still knocking off the friends, the freelancers, the people he used to work beside, like they're parasites that need to be stamped out, like they're not familiar to him at all. Like he doesn't even know who the fuck they are.

And maybe he doesn't. Maybe he barely remembers. Either way, it doesn't change what he's done, and what he's still willing to do when it comes to retrieving the AI fragments, when someone -- past friend, old friend, family, whatever -- is standing in his way, refusing to move. He'll plow right through you, and move the fuck on.

It would also be fair to assume that the Meta and Maine are two entirely separate entities. While Maine is most definitely the Meta, the Meta isn't necessarily Maine. The Meta is what's left of Maine, what's become of him after his mind's been squeezed through the AI wringer. And while the Meta will respond to his call sign (and his actual name), don't expect it to do you any favors. A nervously stuttered "Maine, come on, buddy, come on, big guy, you're better than this!" won't trigger some running-through-a-field-of-pacifist-flowers flashback, and it certainly won't stop him from taking off your head.

But he'll give you points for trying.

Abilities and Weaknesses:
The Meta is adaptive and creative; if his target has somehow managed to evade capture, he'll figure out some ridiculous goddamn way to corner them against a wall, even if he has to physically embed them in that wall. He's stupidly strong, as intelligent as calculative predators get, and though he has trouble sustaining them without the AIs, he has a number of armor enhancements installed in his MJOLNIR that he's jacked from his fellow freelancers.

While he favors his Brute Shot, he seems to typically prefer close combat over ranged combat. Whether that's because it's just easier for him to snap someone's neck than it is to embed a bullet in their skull, who really knows. But who needs weapons anyway when you're capable of picking up objects that weigh over 3000 pounds and chucking them effortlessly across hundreds of feet.

It's tempting to classify him as inhuman, but that's not really a good description for him. He definitely has some crazy ass inhuman-like qualities, but he's not actually inhuman, nor is he immune to human weaknesses. No one's ever exactly put him down, though he has been successfully stalled and deterred a number of different times throughout the series. Red vs. Blue has made him virtually unkillable, at least to the main characters in the show, and his big, glaring weakness would have to be his lack of any semblance of sanity.

His armor enhancements also don't work as well as they used to, and he has problems utilizing all of them at the same time. This makes him considerably less of a threat than he had been in Reconstruction, when he'd been in possession of a number of AI fragments.

He can be distracted or led astray; it's just not easy to do. He's also been shown to randomly hesitate for ~mysterious~, unknown reasons, directly before bitchslapping a potential target into the next century. These are all open opportunities for someone to catch him off guard.


AGENT MAINE (THE META), PART 4/5 griefer July 8 2010, 14:53:29 UTC
Inventory: Modified EVA Armor, Brute Shot, and a M6G Magnum Sidearm, no extra clips.

The Meta wears a modified version of the EVA Armor; its colors are primarily stark white with brown detailing, though he's in possession of an armor enhancement that allows him to shift armor colors at will. He's noted as being a pretty big guy, so he's most likely well over 6', with the MJOLNIR boosting his height a few inches.

I'm going to say he's about 6'4" - 6'5" out of armor, maybe a little taller with it on, knocking him up closer to SPARTAN height, and I'll be using Ryan Reynolds as his PB, because that's what I've been using and I am far too lazy to look for someone else. HATERS P ALIGN LEFT.

Age: YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE. I'd stage him as being in his late twenties, early thirties. But -- really? No idea. I'm just assuming most of the Project Freelancer kids are within the same age group.

OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across?
The main, notable difference that deviates Maine from his canon path is that, in this AU, he is a former recovery agent that went rogue immediately after Wash's massive freakout (RE: Epsilon). The Chairman of the Oversight Sub-Committee, long suspicious of the Director and already aware of the crimes he'd committed, recruited Maine into his cause, ordering the freelancer to reassemble the Project Freelancer AIs, of which he would use as evidence to convict Dr. Leonard Church.

Of course, that went to shit after the EMP. Wash was sent to prison, the AIs were lost, the Director was arrested but not convicted, and the Chairman was running out of options. He released Wash on the condition that he would retrieve Epsilon and return it to him, as Epsilon stood as the last remaining Project Freelancer AI that he could use against Dr. Church. Maine was placed under Wash's command by the Chairman's orders, and falalala, blah blah blah, they kill some aliens, Wash bitches a lot, everyone goes home happy.

As for Maine, there's not much of a difference going on here, personality wise. He's still pretty batshit, and while he will generally obey Wash's orders, he has moments where he blatantly, flat out ignores him and does whatever the hell he wants to do. He'll still be pretty difficult to communicate with, but it won't be impossible. I'm working under the assumption that even though his thought processes are extremely disjointed, he still has the capability to understand what the hell people are saying to him. He just chooses not to respond -- not because he can't, but because he doesn't really give a fuck.

Wash and Maine have some history. As recovery agents, they often worked together before Wash flipped his shit, and they interacted on a fairly regular basis. This is the main reason why Maine spared his life all those fifteen hundred different times he could have killed him, but didn't. They were never BFFs and swapping friendship bracelets or anything silly and nonsensical like that, but they were familiar and comfortable with one another during those GOOD OL' FREELANCER GOLDEN DAYS.

ALSO. His original AI was Beta, who . . . played a big part in him knifehanding off to rogue freelancer land and agreeing to collect the Freelancer AIs for the Chairman.

I think that's it. Oh god. This is a pretty minor AU, but. Whatever.

If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test? N/A.
And What Did You Score? N/A.


AGENT MAINE (THE META), PART 5/5 griefer July 8 2010, 14:54:01 UTC
Samples ;
Log Sample:
His head hurts.

It's a dull, pounding ache that began in his right temple the moment Wash activated the EMP, sucking him dry of every AI fragment he had clumsily woven together, and it's not any better now. If anything, it's getting worse, spiking with every order Wash gives him, only momentarily soothed by the whispering promise of Epsilon's name.

They're wasting time. That's all they've been doing since they stumbled across Doc and the Reds, and Maine is getting restless. He doesn't know why they're here now, wasting time with creatures that can't even communicate with them, waiting for them to draw some sort of alien map to who the hell knows where.

In any other situation, Maine would have killed them immediately. It's what they should have done, and his head is pounding, pounding, pounding, too silent and too empty and too broken, his fingers twitching impatiently around his weapon. Another minute stretches past, then another, and the sun keeps blazing down on his back, warming the surface of his armor.

It's only when he spots Wash shifting impatiently, balancing his weight from one foot to the other, that Maine begins to move in return, because finally. Finally.

Wash stares down at the decidedly unhelpful message scrawled into the sand, and he silently releases the empty clip from his Magnum as the freelancer turns to face him, back to the squabbling aliens behind him. Doc keeps asking about the message like it'll make a difference, what does it say, what does it say, and he snaps the fresh clip into the gun's magazine, because it doesn't fucking matter what it says.

"It says peace talks have broken down. Now we do it our way."

And that's all the cue he needs.

Maine levels his Magnum over Doc's head, and fires.

Network Sample:


Armorless, Maine is staring down at this dinky ass communicating device on his wrist, not quite certain he's figured out how to work it, or why the fuck he's even bothering. His fingers slide over the screen, blocking his face from view, and then he's dropping his wrist.

There's a shot of concrete, and of his other hand, loosely cradling his Magnum at his side, grey-black steel dragging across his leg. ]




ACCEPTED singularitymods July 8 2010, 19:39:45 UTC
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Re: ACCEPTED 12metascming4u July 8 2010, 21:53:06 UTC
hey girl


Re: ACCEPTED singularitymods July 8 2010, 21:54:36 UTC
oh, you're looking mighty fine there, maine


Re: ACCEPTED 12metascming4u July 8 2010, 22:24:34 UTC
oh stop you'll make me blush


/not even in this game yet oneliners July 8 2010, 22:45:17 UTC


/does want 12metascming4u July 9 2010, 00:07:37 UTC


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