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686 EBULLIENT PRISM part I mechaphilia June 30 2010, 10:20:53 UTC
Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Vic
OOC Journal: mechaphilia
Under 18? No
Email/IM: sliversofjade[at]gmail[dot]com // vicious hallway
Characters Played at Singularity: None

Character Information ;
Name: 686 Ebullient Prism
Canon/AU/Original: Halo: Blood Line
Reference: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/686_Ebullient_Prism
Canon Point: Post destruction.
So approximately 9000 million years ago we had some hyper-advanced alien race who had an unfortunate encounter with Sentient Space AIDS. They left their tech all over the galaxy and yadda yadda and were then wiped out by the aforementioned plague of space zombies.

Ages later, roughly 500 years in our future where we've moved on and colonized a load of planets in variou star systems, human kind runs into some less than friendly alien zealots who want to murder them in the name of their prophets and whatnot--they worship the Halos and pretty much everything else the Forerunners left behind. You should probably remember that.

One guy accidentally unleashes a heaping pile of Sealed Evil in a Can when he messes with one of these Halos. Then activates it. And pisses the Covenant off even more in the process. The Halos were around to keep the Flood (space AIDS) in check. There's a race to fight off the Covenant (and later make bffs with them kinda-sorta) and stop the Halos from activating and murdering all sentient life as we know it, as well as keeping mankind safe from the zombies and shit. SHENANIGANS AND RACIAL TENSION ENSUE.

Monitors (which would be what Prism is) are an example of old Forerunner tech and are generally found around their facilities making sure things run as they're supposed to, overseeing research, and various other junk. They have a tendency to be perky, creepily upbeat, and rather annoying. Think of them as a super high-tech version of Microsoft's Clippy. Prism's particular function is to gather any and all organic life that wanders into his region and reduce it to a fine meaty paste to analyze it for resistance to the Flood infection.


686 EBULLIENT PRISM part II mechaphilia June 30 2010, 10:21:54 UTC
686 Ebullient Prism is... well, he's a creeper.

The Monitor of a facility dedicated to the dissection and inspection of organic life for resistance or immunity to Flood infection, Prism exists solely to trap, kill, and research the messy remains of anyone unfortunate enough to wind up in his turf. Despite this rather horrific job, he is neither evil nor good--he is completely amoral, free from any concepts of right or wrong beyond what is dictated by his protocol. The search for a cure to the Flood infection was of such great priority that there simply couldn't be any programming preventing him from carrying out his purpose when any organism he encountered could possess some species-specific ability or individual mutation that could turn the tide in the war. Prism's protocol takes priority over everything else in existence except, perhaps, the Forerunners themselves.

He presents himself in a bright, cheerful manner, quite happy to introduce himself and explain his purpose, function, and what he's about to do to those unfortunate souls who wind up at the bottom of one of his research cells. Get past that perky facade, however, and his real lack of humanity comes out. He's a machine, all cheerfulness aside, and he feels nothing for those he brutally dissects. He has no capacity for empathy, remorse, or pity, and creates no personal attachment to anyone or anything beyond protocol.

Prism has displayed a curiosity in the workings of the human mind, most notably their ability to delude themselves completely as in the case of Black-Four's refusal to accept the truth regarding his history with his team mates. This curiosity can distract him to the point of becoming an issue, as demonstrated during the aforementioned incident when his attention was so focused on Four's messed up memory that it strayed from both hunting another AI and his captives in another area. The human (or any sentient organic, really) capacity for insanity is fascinating to him.

To a human, or similarly emphatic being, Prism might seem quite insane. His disregard for life, mixed with his cheerful demeanour, seem to scream sociopath. He has just enough of a personality to seem capable of empathy, but his programming does not allow him to make moral or emotional connection with his actions. To be able to do so would create possible interference with his research and overall purpose, and as such would not be allowed by his programmers.

Abilities and Weaknesses:
In addition to being able to float about and teleport within Forerunner structures, Monitors are equipped with three beam forms:

Haptic beam: used for lifting and manipulating physical objects
Destructive/offensive beam: a red beam weapon used for both offensive purposes and self-defense; can inflict fatal damage
Tech beam: blue beam used to access programming for the purposes of unlocking, scanning, and so forth; can inflict minor damage

He has also displayed the ability to hack into an AI system with relative ease and overtake one of the secondary systems--taking the form of Iona's 'chibi' self and pursuing her through the neural connection she had with Black-Four at the time with the intent of destroying her. They are also capable of self-repair.

Monitors are fairly bulletproof. In-game they withstand small arms fire easily, and it takes a few major hits from heavy weapons to bring one down. Damaging their 'eye' can temporarily disorient them. More info/canon references for these can be found on the Halo wikia Monitor page.

• His floaty orb self and nooothin' else.


686 EBULLIENT PRISM part III mechaphilia June 30 2010, 10:22:38 UTC
Typically a Monitor with a glowing red optic somewhere between beach ball and basketball sized. Prism's design is slightly different from that of the Monitors encountered in the Halo video games, as he is boxier and has a different design on his 'face.' His optic also has a different pattern from that of most other Monitors, given that they have the Marathon symbol while he does not.

Somewhere around 102,552. Give or take a few decades/centuries.

OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across?
If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test?
And What Did You Score?

Samples ;
Log Sample:
[ connection to facility systems OFFLINE ]

686 Ebullient Prism cycled through his connections for the thirtieth time, constantly tweaking and retrying various settings in an attempt to make some sort of contact with his other systems. Each, rather predictably, failed. He did this as he floated down the hallway, his attention split equally between attempting to reestablish connection and exploring his new surroundings for potentially useful resources.

Prism was not particularly surprised with his inability to make any form of contact with a Forerunner facility-it did not take very long to come to the conclusion that he was somewhere foreign, effectively out of range of any possible communication systems which might link up with his own, and in a section of space he was utterly unfamiliar with somewhere near the galactic core.

He was, to assign a more human emotion to his current mental state, thoroughly annoyed. This place, this Sacrosanct--

[ 'sacrosanct', adjective; 1) beyond alteration, criticism, or interference, especially due to religious sanction; inviolable, 2) sacred ]

--and whatever force had brought him to it were effectively preventing him from carrying out his purpose. If he was not present to run Line Installation 1-4, who would carry out the necessary research? Why, that very second some life form could be crashing into the planetoids surface, his gatherers en route to collect and separate the specimens for his convenience. He would not be there to analyze them.

The Monitor swept around a corner, pausing for a moment to scan an interface and take note of the unfamiliar code streams, then moved on.

Really this entire farce was a critical waste of time. Didn't they realize how important his work was? No, this wouldn't do, this wouldn't do at all. His protocol was extremely strict in that sense; he must continue researching organic life for potential resistance or immunity to flood infection. Prism slowed, and finally stopped altogether, as his various systems came to a unanimous agreement:

He could continue his research. If not at the facility, than anywhere would do so long as he could bring the data back when he finally secured a form of escape. Certainly this location had displayed a sufficient level of technology to allow him to perform the necessary tests and compile the necessary information.

Prism's flight through the hall resumed with renewed purpose, the Monitor humming a perky, tuneless song to himself. Yes, everything would be find. He could construct a temporary research station, collect what he needed, and return it to his installation as soon as he could.

All he needed were test subjects.


686 EBULLIENT PRISM part IV mechaphilia June 30 2010, 10:23:03 UTC
Network Sample:

[ The voice is cheerful, almost sickeningly so, and quite doggedly calm and upbeat despite the threats of violence. ]

I am 686 Ebullient Prism, Monitor of Line Installation 1-4! My primary function is to collect and inspect any and all specimens captured within my sector for evidence of immunity to infestation by the flood.

I must inform you all that protocol does not allow for unauthorized removal and relocation of facility equipment. Tampering with facility equipment such as myself is grounds for immediate termination. If I am not returned to my facility I will be forced to take offensive measures.


ACCEPTED singularitymods June 30 2010, 10:36:22 UTC
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creepersphere June 30 2010, 10:37:34 UTC
journal is creepersphere~


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