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AGENT MAINE (THE META), PART 4/5 griefer July 8 2010, 14:53:29 UTC
Inventory: Modified EVA Armor, Brute Shot, and a M6G Magnum Sidearm, no extra clips.

The Meta wears a modified version of the EVA Armor; its colors are primarily stark white with brown detailing, though he's in possession of an armor enhancement that allows him to shift armor colors at will. He's noted as being a pretty big guy, so he's most likely well over 6', with the MJOLNIR boosting his height a few inches.

I'm going to say he's about 6'4" - 6'5" out of armor, maybe a little taller with it on, knocking him up closer to SPARTAN height, and I'll be using Ryan Reynolds as his PB, because that's what I've been using and I am far too lazy to look for someone else. HATERS P ALIGN LEFT.

Age: YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE. I'd stage him as being in his late twenties, early thirties. But -- really? No idea. I'm just assuming most of the Project Freelancer kids are within the same age group.

OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across?
The main, notable difference that deviates Maine from his canon path is that, in this AU, he is a former recovery agent that went rogue immediately after Wash's massive freakout (RE: Epsilon). The Chairman of the Oversight Sub-Committee, long suspicious of the Director and already aware of the crimes he'd committed, recruited Maine into his cause, ordering the freelancer to reassemble the Project Freelancer AIs, of which he would use as evidence to convict Dr. Leonard Church.

Of course, that went to shit after the EMP. Wash was sent to prison, the AIs were lost, the Director was arrested but not convicted, and the Chairman was running out of options. He released Wash on the condition that he would retrieve Epsilon and return it to him, as Epsilon stood as the last remaining Project Freelancer AI that he could use against Dr. Church. Maine was placed under Wash's command by the Chairman's orders, and falalala, blah blah blah, they kill some aliens, Wash bitches a lot, everyone goes home happy.

As for Maine, there's not much of a difference going on here, personality wise. He's still pretty batshit, and while he will generally obey Wash's orders, he has moments where he blatantly, flat out ignores him and does whatever the hell he wants to do. He'll still be pretty difficult to communicate with, but it won't be impossible. I'm working under the assumption that even though his thought processes are extremely disjointed, he still has the capability to understand what the hell people are saying to him. He just chooses not to respond -- not because he can't, but because he doesn't really give a fuck.

Wash and Maine have some history. As recovery agents, they often worked together before Wash flipped his shit, and they interacted on a fairly regular basis. This is the main reason why Maine spared his life all those fifteen hundred different times he could have killed him, but didn't. They were never BFFs and swapping friendship bracelets or anything silly and nonsensical like that, but they were familiar and comfortable with one another during those GOOD OL' FREELANCER GOLDEN DAYS.

ALSO. His original AI was Beta, who . . . played a big part in him knifehanding off to rogue freelancer land and agreeing to collect the Freelancer AIs for the Chairman.

I think that's it. Oh god. This is a pretty minor AU, but. Whatever.

If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test? N/A.
And What Did You Score? N/A.


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