-My mom woke me up around 7am to tell me that there was a lot of snow outside. I decided to have a look with my camera and low and behold there was snow.
-Jo-Jo insisted on playing in the snow. Every time I tried to keep her inside she'd run out as soon as the door opened. Fact: This dog likes snow. Fiction: The Huskey loves snow.
-Jo-Jo mocked me because she knew that I was getting ready to shovel the driveway around the car.
For the first time in nearly a year we've had our first real shot of snow. Previous snow storms only left us with icy rain, a coating of snow or an inch of it or less. The last time we had a significant amount of snowfall was about last March. Since I didn't have to go to school today my opinions on the storm weren't as sour as usual. I did have to shovel the snow because I feared if I waited to late it would rain and the snow would become heavy and icy. Otherwise, my mom instructed me to wait for Mark to get home from school and do it, but I was more worried about the rain. According to the local weather stations another storm with sleet and freezing rain is supposed to hit us later today, so it looks like the drive to work will be long.
In other things, classes are still a mixed bag. I've got all of the equipment I need to start working on my flash project for Publishing to the Web. I even snagged a DS2 (or 3, I can't tell) digital voice recorder from one of the MURL T.A.s yesterday. That means I won't have to deal with Temple's equipment office on Monday afternoon. It also means that I can get the interviews that I need either today before work, tomorrow or Monday. At the very least I can start recording my voice over part for this flash project so I can have everything ready for Wednesday. Luckily the professor gave us a break and said that we can work on our projects in class instead of them being due that day.
Speaking of MURL, yesterday's class turned into a regular complaint-fest. To be honest, it was needed as pent up frustrations from students who disapprove of how the class is being run were finally vented. (I felt the same way but I was content to watch, as I've never had a journalism class at Temple so close to mutiny.) A few students complained about being print majors and having to do broadcast work, while the professors defended the course. A few broadcast majors also complained about having to teach and baby sit print majors who didn't know how to work the equipment. A few magazine and photo majors felt that the course didn't address their needs (mine and
geofflb's included) either. The professors again defended the class. Then, the students turned on each other, the confrontation was just a few steps shy of an actual fight but it got a bit ugly towards the end (swearing included) before the professors smoothed everything over. Everyone calmed down and one professor thanked everyone for their input.
I just hope that our complaints are taken into consideration and there are some changes made to the class. The first sign of improvement was getting out of the overcrowded classroom, for the most part. We ended up there yesterday because the larger room didn't have a phone jack for a long distance teleconference call. (That part of the class was actually VERY boring, though informative. It ultimately led to the variety of outbursts and venting though.) I still can't shake the feeling that this class will never get its act together by this semester's end. I'm thinking of complaining to the heads of the journalism department, as I've heard a number of students are doing just that. I'm also going to write a lengthy and scalding evaluation at the end of the semester in the hopes that others won't have to suffer. (It worked for other classes, I know it will work for this one.)
On a final note, I'm really loving Phoenix Wright 3. So far this game is just as awesome as the original game was.
Oh well, back to being productive.